website counter The Anialwch Connection, Chapter 9
The Anialwch Connection
Chapter 9
  Donte and Rianne retired to their accommodations in time for Donte to make his meeting with Nieke. He had told Rianne about the meeting, but she wasn’t enthusiastic about it. As he started for the door, she finally stopped him.
    “I wish you wouldn’t go.”
    Donte had his hand on the door handle, but let go of it and turned to her. “Is something wrong?”
    She shook her head. “I don’t object to your seeing her. I simply wish you wouldn’t leave us alone here in this strange environment. What if something happened to you?”
    It wasn’t like Rianne to be concerned about such things, or maybe it wasn’t like her to express those concerns. In any case, Liana had asked him not to leave, and she had died because he wasn’t there. Chiku had asked him not to leave and she had died because he wasn’t there. He wasn’t about to leave with Rianne asking him not to go.
    He walked away from the door. Nieke would have to reschedule.
    Rianne looked up at him in surprise. “You’re not going?”
    He smiled. “You have always supported everything I do. If you’re uncomfortable about being left alone right now, the meeting can wait.”
    “You’re not concerned that she will be upset?”
    “I’m more concerned that you will be upset.”
    She gave him a wry smile. “Ever the peacemaker. You always know the right thing to say.”
    “Is that a complaint?”
    She shook her head. “I didn’t mean it to sound that way. Sometimes I wonder if you ever get what you want.”
    He reached for her. “I have what I want, Rianne. I have you and Petra...” He looked at her stomach. “And another thing I want on the way.”
    Rianne took a step closer and put her arms around his neck.     “You’re still the most all-around handsome man I’ve ever seen.”
    He took her waist in his hands. “Is that why you love me?”
    She smiled; a twinkle coming into her eyes. “Did I say I loved you?”
    He chuckled as he pulled her against him. “In countless ways.” He kissed her lips as his arms drew her close. She melted in his arms, clinging to him. He slid his hands down to her hips and pressed her body against his. “I love you, Rianne.”
    Rianne giggled. “I think that’s called lust, Donte.”
    He laughed. “That too.”
    She pulled away from him. “It’s a little early to go to bed.”
    “Petra’s asleep. How could it be too early?”
    “She is probably still awake.”
    Donte frowned. “Nieke?”
    “I think I missed something here. What difference does it make who else is awake? We are alone.”
    “Are we?”
    Donte stared at her. If there was someone in the room besides them and Petra, he wasn’t aware of it. He looked around the room. “You think there is someone here?”
    She sighed. “How do you know Celyn isn’t inside your head right now – watching us?”
    “She can’t connect unless I let her.”
    Rianne looked unconvinced. “She’s seen you before when you didn’t let her in.”
    “Oh. I see. But she was looking at me through the eyes of an Avialae. There are no aves in here.”
    Rianne looked around, as if searching for aves. “Let’s shut off the lights. She can’t see in the dark like you, can she?”
    Donte took her hands. “Rianne, what brought this on? If it was what happened today on the tram between Celyn and me, let’s talk about it. Do you want to reconsider letting her stay with us?”
She shook her head. “What difference does it make if she is physically in the room with us or connecting with you from a distance? We still won’t be alone.”
    He squeezed her hands. “Rianne, we are alone. We can’t let this come between us.”
    “Maybe you would be happier with her.”
    Donte frowned. “Don’t start that again. She’s a 13-year-old girl.”
    “She won’t always be thirteen.”
    “All right. Let’s talk about what might happen six years from now. Do you really think I would want to exchange vows with a woman who could read my mind?”
    She looked up at him for a moment, obviously considering it. “I hadn’t thought about that.” She smiled. “It could get a little tense at times, couldn’t it?”
    He gazed down at her. “Rianne, the thing that frightens me the most about The Prophesy is the idea that you or our children might be hurt.” He shook his head. “I don’t know what is going to happen. I never know if I’m doing what I’m supposed to do. This thing with Papaw…” He hesitated. He hadn’t told her the latest problem.
    “What is happening, Donte?”
    He looked down at her hands in his. He trusted her, but did he have the right to burden her with it – especially in her condition? He lifted his gaze to hers and found her watching him expectantly. It wasn’t fair to keep it from her.
    “He wants to choose a different second.”
    She caught her breath. “He can’t do that…can he? The cabinet already approved you. Who does he want to choose?”
    He shook his head. “I don’t know. He didn’t say.” He pulled her into his arms. I feel like I’ve been castrated.”
    She pulled back and looked up at his face. “That isn’t good.” Her eyes started to twinkle and she started giggling.
    He chuckled and pulled her close again. “Perhaps that was a little dramatic, but having Pieter against me certainly neutralizes me.”
    Rianne leaned her head against his chest. “I don’t think so. It certainly complicates things for you, but other colonies would welcome you.”
    “I know, but The Prophesy says I will lead in the uniform of Bergen.”
  “Don’t get hung up on details. Someone may have misinterpreted something, or things could change in six years. Who knows?”
    She was right, of course. After all, he came home in the uniform of Bergen and he had been offered a position on the Moeder. Was he supposed to accept that position? The possibilities were endless.
    Someone knocked on the door. He groaned and released her. “I shouldn’t answer that.”
    She smiled. “But you will.”
    Of course he would. He didn’t have much choice. He opened the door to find Nieke standing outside. He stepped back. “Come in.”
    Nieke looked around him at Rianne. She looked up at Donte.     “No thanks. I’m sorry I missed you. I was late. I only need to talk to you for a few minutes – alone.”
    Donte glanced at Rianne and she shrugged. It must be important or she wouldn’t have tracked him down. He stepped out of the room and shut the door. Walking a few steps away from the door, he turned to Nieke.
    “What’s this all about?”
    Bram said that the people who were planning to form the militia agreed to talk to you – tomorrow evening.”
    “The tour group is scheduled to take the tram back to Bergen in the morning. Rianne and Petra are with me.”
    Nieke watched his face. “Does that mean you can’t attend the meeting?”
    “No, it means the timing is inconvenient.”
    “I’m sorry, Monomi. Bram says some of the people are impatient and don’t want to wait.”
    He nodded. “I understand.” He sighed. “I need to talk to Rianne. She’s going to be disappointed.” Something else occurred to him. “Would you mind if I brought someone along?”
    She frowned. “Rianne?”
    “No, Celyn.”
    She stared at him. “Why?”
    “She needs to learn. She has a part in this, you know.”
    “I understand, but she’s only a child right now.”
    He nodded. “If you object, I won’t ask her.”
    “I don’t object. I’m merely surprised.”
    Probably no more than he was by this sudden change of plans. He wasn’t sure Celyn would want to go or that Neirin would give her permission. “I still need to tell Rianne where I’m going.”
    She looked uneasy. “Monomi, there is something you should know before you discuss this with your mate.”
    He waited while she appeared to struggle with the decision to tell him something. Finally, she found her voice.
    “We…people have seen her meeting with Beier as well as cabinet members.”
    It took him a moment to understand her concern, and when he did, it annoyed him. They were watching Rianne – linking her with Beier, whom they didn’t trust.
    He frowned down at her. “If I can’t trust Rianne, I can’t trust anyone. I don’t want people shadowing her. If there is any reason to suspect her, I will detect it.”
    She looked at her feet and nodded in submission. “Yes Monomi.”
    “Thank you for trying to warn me, anyway.”
    She looked up at his face, her expression wary. “You are going to tell her about the meeting?”
    He smiled. “Nieke, have you ever had a mate?”
    She shook her head; her gaze fixed on his eyes.
    “It is impossible to have a good relationship without trust.” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “Rianne has been a good friend for many years. If she was talking to Beier or anyone in the cabinet, it wasn’t to conspire against me. You don’t have to agree with that, but I know it.”
    She nodded. “You won’t tell her that we…I suspected her?”
    “No. Come in and I’ll talk to her about the meeting.”
    She followed him back into the room and he turned to Rianne.   “My presence is requested at a meeting here in Vlaktes tomorrow. Would you feel comfortable traveling back to Bergen with Dad and the others tomorrow morning?”
    Rianne looked at Nieke and then back to Donte. “If you wish. When would you return?”
    Donte looked at Nieke. “How far is it?”
    “About a half-day ride. You could take the morning tram after we return.”
    Rianne nodded. “We’ll see you when you get home, then.”

    After Nieke left, Donte turned to Rianne. “I thought it would be a good idea to take Celyn – assuming she wanted to go.”
    “What is this meeting about?”
    “Some colonists want to organize a militia to protect themselves against aggressive Mascots.”
    “Do you think it is safe for you to go? If they are hostile to Mascots.…” She left the sentence unfinished.
    “I didn’t say they were hostile toward Mascots. I said they wanted to protect themselves against aggressive mascots. They are concerned about the Mascots taking over.”
    “Like Bergen and Lochfowk. Donte, you are a Bergen Mascot in their eyes. Why would they trust you?”
    “In their eyes, I am the Anialwch Connection, as is Celyn. We have nothing to fear from them.”
    She looked unconvinced. “Don’t be too sure. Some people think it’s nothing but folklore.”
    He nodded. “I know. I’ll be careful.”
    She sighed. “Pieter wouldn’t like you going without a weapon.”
    “I don’t know. Right now, he might provide the clubs to beat me with.”
    She smiled. “Donte. You know better than that.” Her eyes twinkled with mirth. “He wouldn’t want someone to do it for him.”
    He reached over and locked the door. “Now can we go to bed?”
    Her brows lifted. “Why Donte; it sounds like you don’t want to talk about this.”
    “Why Rianne, you are right. There are times for talking and times for.…” He shot out a hand to grab her and she dodged him, giggling.
    He pushed all the problems to the back of his mind. A good frolic was what they both needed to put things in perspective. Everything else could wait.

    Donte got up early so he could talk to Celyn and Neirin about the meeting. Neirin was reluctant, but Celyn was persistent, so he finally gave her permission. Next time he would be sure to talk to Neirin first. Neirin was going to stay with Quade and Akira until Donte and Celyn returned from Vlaktes. As soon as he knew they were home safe, he would return to Anialwch, leaving Celyn with Donte and Rianne.

    Donte, Nieke and Celyn left Kliffen riding three equines as the tram left for Bergen. Rianne and Petra waved at them from the window as the tram started moving. Petra looked like she had been crying. That thought stayed with him for a while, occupying his mind to the point that his voice was silent. Petra wouldn’t be as concerned about his absence if it wasn’t so frequent. Chiku had cried when he left, and that would probably haunt him as long as he lived. She had begged him not to go, even begged him to take her with him. Neither had been possible at the time, of course. At that point he thought he was going to be executed. After they decided to exile him instead, he didn’t see her again. Later she had died of a respiratory infection.
    He pushed the memory from his mind. There was nothing he could do about it now, but he felt like he was repeating the mistake. A person couldn’t be with their children all the time, though. It wasn’t the same. He would see her tomorrow evening. Maybe his return would make her feel more confident the next time he left.
    He glanced up to find Nieke watching him.
    “Was Rianne upset that you were traveling with two women?”
    He shook his head. “Rianne wasn’t upset about anything. She understands that these things need to be done.”
    Nieke said nothing more about it. She probably didn’t believe him. She was still convinced that Rianne was part of some plot against The Prophesy. He was beginning to regret telling Nieke about his part in The Prophesy.
    He was so distracted by the issues with Petra and Nieke that he didn’t immediately recognize the sensation that they were being followed. It was a person on an equine and he sensed no hostility. At first, he thought it was merely someone else headed in the same direction, but when they stopped to rest the equines, the person following stopped as well.
    He spoke to Celyn in the language of Anialwch. “Someone is following us. Can you feel it?” She had transferred her vision to him by looking into his eyes, so he tried to do the same with her.
She held his gaze for a few minutes and finally shook her head.     “I don’t feel it.”
    “Can you fly over them and transfer the vision to me, like you did on the tram?”
    She looked around. “When I have a vision, I seek you. I don’t know who to seek.”
    “When the ursidae attacked me, you distracted it. You knew it was a danger to me. Must it be a danger…?” Something else occurred to him. “Can you seek me? Can you soar higher and see things further away?”
    She closed her eyes for a moment, apparently trying to focus.     He didn’t interrupt. When she opened her eyes, she focused on his gaze.
    He knew she was having a vision, but he wasn’t seeing what she saw this time. He tried to focus on her eyes, but nothing happened. On the tram, he had been troubled. He focused on the sensation of being followed.
    At first nothing happened, but suddenly he was flying, looking down at the three of them standing together. He was aware of trees around them, but nothing else; only three people and three equines. The vision stopped as suddenly as it began.
    It was tempting to look at the episode as a failure, because they didn’t accomplish their goal, but it wasn’t a failure. They had intentionally connected this time. They couldn’t expect everything to work effectively right away. They were definitely making progress.
    He placed a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll have to keep trying.     We’re getting better. I was flying, looking down on us.”
   She nodded. “I wish I could feel what you are feeling out there.”
    “What are you two saying to each other? What’s happening? Why are you speaking in another language?”
    Their attention returned to Nieke, who had been silent throughout their exchange. She probably thought they didn’t trust her. In fact, he wasn’t sure he could trust her. Up to that point, the only people who knew that he could communicate with Celyn in a special way were people he knew he could trust. It was best to keep it that way.
    He looked at Nieke. “We were discussing the fact that someone is following us.”
    She frowned. “Who?”
    “I don’t know.”
    She looked at Celyn. “Why did you tell her and not me? Why in her language? Was it because you knew I didn’t speak her language?”
    Donte gave Nieke a level look. “Celyn and I were having a private conversation. That was why I was speaking in her language. If I can trust you, then I can trust you not to question my motives.” He turned to Celyn, helping her up on her equine. “We’d better get going.”
    As soon as they were mounted and moving again, the person began following them. Why would anyone be following them? He tried repeatedly, but could get no feeling of their intent. He sensed no emotion. Were they hiding their feelings? Did they know of his ability to sense the presence and mood of animals near him? Almost anyone who knew who he was would be aware of his ability. They might even know that Celyn was a seer, but only those on the tram with them yesterday would know she could communicate her visions to him.
    The sense of presence was so strong that it was a wonder neither of the girls could feel it. He looked at Celyn and she met his gaze again. She suddenly sat up straight and looked startled. For a moment he thought she was going to panic. He looked away, breaking the connection. He didn’t want to frighten her.
    It happened so suddenly that he was taken by surprise. He was soaring above them. Without looking into Celyn’s eyes, they had connected. At first, he saw only the three riders, but gradually he was soaring higher and seeing farther out. Finally, he saw the lone rider some distance behind them. He soared closer and the man looked up. Beier!
    He was so startled that he lost his connection with Celyn. He looked at her and she smiled.
    The feeling of victory was short lived. He knew the identity of the person following them, but not the intent. Was Beier watching over them, or was he spying on them? Was he keeping an eye on his daughter? As far as Donte knew, he and Beier were the only ones who knew that Celyn was Beier’s daughter.
    Beier had once told Donte that he would assist him in any way he could. It was difficult to believe his intent was harmful. However, Beier knew Donte could sense his presence and mood. He would know not to give away his emotion. Could a person do that, or would he sense that too? Maybe he didn’t sense anything because Beier was only following to watch over them.
    Even as those things crossed his mind, so did the warning from Anouk. He would have to ask her why she felt Beier wasn’t trustworthy. He had certainly been helpful during the ursidae hunt. In any case, he couldn’t think of any reason Beier would be concerned about where they were going. It occurred to him that Beier might be concerned about their safety at the destination, but only a few people knew their destination and those people were on a tram headed back to Bergen. Not even Pieter knew where they were going.
    It was at that point that something else occurred to him. Was Beier the one that Pieter wanted to name as his replacement? It had been Beier who had delivered the messages to Donte from Pieter every time. Beier had all the credentials except…how did he feel about the colonists? He had never said anything against the colonists. Of course, as long as he didn’t voice an objection to what Pieter was doing, he would be ahead of Donte.
    If Pieter preferred Beier, that was his right as ruler, but he didn’t have the right to threaten the cabinet. Pieter’s rights ended where the rights of the majority of the colonists differed with him.
    Beier would know that Donte had detected his presence. What Beier wouldn’t know was that, with Celyn’s assistance, Donte knew his identity. If Beier’s intent was honorable, why didn’t he join them? Why would he hang back when he knew it would cause them concern? The only reason he could think of was that Pieter had sent him to discover what he was doing. But then, how would Pieter know he was going anywhere other than on the tram with everyone else?
    The only other possibility he could think of was that Beier was keeping watch over his daughter. He might be keeping his distance because he didn’t want Celyn to see him. But what was Beier doing in Vlaktes? He must have come in on the morning tram. Donte wasn’t there when it arrived…but Rianne was. The warning about Beier may have been correct. What about the warning about Rianne? He didn’t believe that…or was it that he didn’t want to believe it? Her words came back to him. “Did I say I loved you?” Had she actually said she loved him?
    He looked at Nieke. He’d like to ask her some questions about why she thought Rianne couldn’t be trusted, but didn’t want to encourage her to continue spying on Rianne. Even if Rianne had sent Beier to follow them, it didn’t mean she was conspiring against him. If she saw Beier, she might very well have asked him to keep them safe. The problem with revealing a suspect was that it planted preconceived thoughts in a person’s head about the intent of that person. There was no more reason for him to suspect Rianne than there was for her to suspect him. On that thought…did she?
    He shoved the thought from his head. Beier wasn’t going to let any harm come to his daughter. They had no reason to fear him. The worst he would do was to report to Pieter that they had met with a group of colonists - colonists who were possibly conspiring against Mascots.

   Mid-morning, they reached the farm where they were supposed to meet the men. Nieke had not said they were all men, though. He had assumed so. They were invited into a room where chairs had been set up in a circle. It was obviously a room devoted to this type of activity. Why?
    Nieke began the introductions. “Donte, this is Joost, Jorn, Fleur and Ava. This is Donte and Princess Celyn from Anialwch.”
    Like all of the Vlaktes people they were all blond with eyes ranging from light blue to gray. They were true descendants of Bergen – much shorter than Donte and having a husky build. Joost and Jorn were male colonists, both with heavy blonde beards. Ava and Fleur were women with stout builds. They all looked like they could take care of themselves.
    Donte shook hands with each of them. “I brought Princess Celyn with me for a reason that I will divulge later. I’m not asking you to tell me your plans. I merely want to talk to you.”
   They all shook hands with Celyn. They were both being measured, which was to be expected. These people knew little about him other than the fact that he had been Nieke’s commander, and they knew nothing about Celyn. He intended to rectify that situation. Celyn was as important to The Prophesy as he was – maybe more.
    Donte took a seat in one of the chairs and Celyn sat beside him, drawing her chair close to him. She looked anxious. He gave her an encouraging smile before turning to the others.
    “I don’t know how much you have been told, so I will tell you what I can about The Prophesy.”
    Using that as his only introduction, he launched into the complete Prophesy and the part he and Celyn were to have in it. He did tell them about the genetic modification and their superpowers, but he didn’t tell them how they would use them together. They were still learning that part. After he finished telling them, he was silent for a while, letting them consider the information. Finally, Fleur addressed him.
    “There is talk that when Lochfowk elects a new president, they will have an all-Mascot council.”
    Donte nodded. “I have heard that rumor.”
    Joost spoke. “We have heard the same is true of Bergen.”
    Donte nodded again. “I have heard that rumor as well.”
    Jorn frowned at Donte. “You think it is only a rumor.”
    Donte looked at him. “I have not been able to substantiate it as truth. I haven’t talked to the candidates for president in Lockfowk.”
    Ava finally spoke. “You are Pieter’s second.”
    Donte nodded. “Currently, yes.” He looked at each of them. “I believe that Mascots and colonists should have equal rights. It is the only fair way to do this.”
    Jorn lifted his brows. “You don’t think only Mascots should rule?”
    “No. Given the same education and experience, I see no reason why Mascots would be any better at ruling than colonists.”
Nieke caught her breath. “Donte! You are a Mascot and clearly you are not created equal to us.”
    Donte glanced at Celyn. Her expression had become anxious again. He looked at Nieke.
    “I am a Mascot and I have special abilities that even other Mascots don’t have. Even so, I don’t think it would be fair to attribute all my qualifications to my being a Mascot. I worked hard to achieve what I have – you know that as well as anyone. When you say I am clearly not created equal, it makes me think that you believe I would have achieved as much if I had done nothing.”
    Nieke blushed. “I didn’t mean to discredit all your effort.” She looked at the others. “He worked harder than anyone. He earned every one of his badges.” She looked back at Donte. “I simply meant that you are an exceptional person.” She shrugged and smiled. “Even for a Mascot.”
    Jorn looked at Donte. “What do you want us to do?”
   “The only thing I’m asking you to do is to make sure you aren’t making this a war between Mascots and colonists. When The Fontalo or The Parliament returns, we don’t want to be squabbling among ourselves. The only chance we have is to work together – all colonies – Mascots and colonists.”

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