website counter The Anialwch Connection, Chapter 23
The Anialwch Connection
Chapter 23
    No matter how many times Donte reminded himself that the mission to detect the location of the raiders was successful, he still thought of it as a failure. He had allowed the raiders to approach their camp undetected. The Nyumbani escort had been depending on him and he had failed them. It could have been so much worse. It was fortunate that he was the only one wounded and no one had been killed. He had further delayed the rousting of the raiders, not only while recovering from his wound, but by example. His failure had made the Nyumbani hesitant to seek the raiders by themselves. Their attitude was that if he couldn’t, they surely couldn’t.
    All that was on his mind when he received the message from Kenyon stating that the mission had been successful. There were no women and children with the raiders and they had all been captured and turned over to the Nyumbani government. The joint operation between all the colonies except Lochfowk had proven they could work together.
    Donte was concerned about Lochfowk, not only because Donica was there, but because they appeared to be going in the wrong direction. They were again distancing themselves from the other colonies. While the other colonies were moving toward including colonists in government, Lochfowk was moving in the opposite direction. It had become all-Mascot rule. Other than that, he hadn’t heard of any unfair treatment of the colonists. At least that was something.
    Saskia and Rianne had organized a celebration in honor of the first joint venture of militias. Once again Donica had been invited but was unable to attend. This time Chait felt it would be inappropriate, since Lochfowk had not been involved. It was yet another way they were excluding themselves from the other colonies. Chait had made it clear to everyone that Lochfowk was self-sufficient and wouldn’t tolerate interference from other colonies in their governing. Apparently, Chait didn’t believe in The Prophesy and he was trying to convince all of Lochfowk that they didn’t either. As far as Donte knew, Donica hadn’t disagreed with Chait publicly. He wasn’t doing anything to harm anyone and he was otherwise a good president. His approval rate with the colonists didn’t reflect that, but his approval rate with Mascots did.
    For the first time, Nyumbani was sending a representative. To be fair, it was the first time they had been invited to do so by Bergen. Kafil and Halisi had exchanged vows, but they would not be attending. Instead, they were sending Prince Heri, who would be escorted by Kwasi. For their safety, Donte had not announced their intent to attend.

    The night of the celebration, Donte watched Petra and Andras while Rianne and Saskia directed the preparation in the lobby. He had healed completely, but they insisted they had volunteers to assist them. Someone needed to watch the children and he thought of it as an opportunity to spend more time with them, even though he had recently spent more time at home.
    He was starting to feel pampered – or maybe the better word was stifled. For a long time, he hadn’t felt like doing much, but now he was healthy and rested – and restless. Before long the cold weather would be keeping them inside. After the celebration, he’d take Rianne and the children on a camping trip, or maybe they could go see Donica.
    Donte balanced Petra on his knee while she rode a make-believe equine. He had packed Andras into a chair with pillows, and he was laughing out loud. Someone knocked on the door. Donte tucked a giggling Petra under one arm and answered the door.
    Donte invited Quade and Kenyon into the room. “Where’s Akira?”
    “She’s downstairs with Saskia and Rianne.” Quade held out his hands to Petra and she eagerly went to him.
    Kenyon lifted Andras from the pillows. “What are they doing to you, buddy?”
    Andras looked up at him, his eyes wide and his mouth open. Drool ran down his chin. Kenyon laughed and grabbed a rag to wipe his chin.
    “He’s cutting teeth,” Donte said.
    Kenyon turned to Donte. “We were sent to retrieve you. Rianne said you should be there when the guests arrive.” He gave Quade a wry smile. “I don’t think we qualify as guests.”
    Donte laughed. “Family is a much better position.”
    Andras reached for Donte and Kenyon surrendered him. “I don’t know much about babies.”
    Donte held Andras away from his body. “Apparently not. Now you’ve got a wet spot on your shirt. Would you like a clean one?”
    Kenyon looked down at his shirt and grimaced. “That would be a good idea. Otherwise, I’ll smell like urine all evening.”
    Donte took Andras into the bedroom and changed his diaper. Grabbing a clean shirt from the closet, he tossed it to Kenyon. He tucked some clean diapers into a pouch while Kenyon changed shirts. They all went downstairs to greet guests.
    There was one particular guest that Donte was excited about seeing – Heri. Their reunion had been brief and he thought he might never see his son again. He would love to have taken him on his first boat ride and his first tram ride, but he didn’t know about their visit in time. He was surprised that Halisi would allow him to go.
    King Neirin and Celyn arrived on the second tram, but they said they didn’t see Heri and Kwasi. If they didn’t arrive on the next tram, they probably wouldn’t arrive in time for the celebration.


    When Celyn arrived with her father, the musicians were getting ready to play. It was the first time she had seen Donte at a celebration out of uniform. He was dressed in dark gray trousers and a soft blue shirt. It wouldn’t matter what he wore, he would look good. Kenyon was the same way.
    Celyn wore a gray skirt and tunic. It fit and it was comfortable, but not as nice as the dress that Saskia had provided for the last celebration. Most of all, coupled with the fact that she had piled her hair on top of her head, she thought it made her look older. Both Donte and Kenyon complimented her on how nice she looked, but neither said she looked older. Kenyon kept looking at her, but he didn’t say anything more.
    Quade turned his head to keep Andras' fingers out of his mouth and smiled at Celyn. “You’re growing into a beautiful young woman, Celyn.”
    Neirin looked at her. “She certainly is.”
    Donte looked at the entrance and motioned for Quade to join him. Kwasi and Heri had finally arrived. Quade handed Andras to Kenyon and followed Donte. Kenyon gave Andras a wary look. “I hope you don’t spring a leak.”
    Celyn giggled. Kenyon had a funny way of saying things. It was usually funny because he said exactly what he was thinking.
    Celyn looked around. Where is Rianne?”
    Kenyon glanced around. “She and Akira and Saskia were helping in the kitchen. They decided to serve the evening meal during the celebration.”
    Celyn was considering helping them when she saw Rianne coming toward them. She had her attention on Kenyon, as if she was going to surprise him. Celyn didn’t give Rianne’s presence away. She didn’t know what Rianne was going to do, but she had a look on her face that indicated she was up to something.
    Rianne stuck her hand through Kenyon’s arm and snuggled close to him. “Hey, handsome; why don’t you dump that babe and come romp with me?”
    Celyn gasped and Kenyon turned his head and looked at her, clearly shocked by her bold behavior.
    When Rianne saw his face, she let go of him and stepped back. Her face turned scarlet. “Kenyon! I thought you were Donte.”
    Kenyon grinned. “I’m sorry you discovered your error so soon. For a minute there I thought I was irresistible.”
    Neirin laughed.
    Rianne covered her mouth and started to laugh, her face still red. “Why are you wearing Donte’s shirt?”
    Kenyon’s smile turned wry. “Because your little pee pot spilled on mine.”
    Rianne giggled and looked around. “Where is Donte?”
    “He and Dad are over there welcoming Kwasi and Heri.”
    Rianne spotted them. “Oh, I’ve never seen Heri before.” She started to walk away and then turned around, plucking Andras from his arms. “Why don’t you and Celyn romp?”
    She didn’t wait for him to answer. Her attention was fixed on Donte as she made her way toward him.
    Kenyon glanced at Neirin, but he waved a hand. “Go on. I’ll find someone.”
    Kenyon’s attention shifted to Celyn. “How about it? I’ve got Donte’s shirt on. I should be irresistible.”
    Celyn stared at him. Was he making fun of her? Her eyes burned. “I…it isn’t…I wouldn’t intentionally hurt Rianne.”
    He grimaced. “I’m sorry Celyn. I didn’t mean it that way. I was talking about the pheromones.”
    “Oh.” She looked at her feet, unsure what to say.
    Kenyon took her arm and led her toward the other rompers.     “That vision put you in a painful situation, didn’t it?”
    She gripped his arm and allowed him to lead her. When they joined the others, he placed a hand on her waist and she put her hand in his. Together they began to romp.
    Kenyon understood how she felt. It wasn’t as if she wanted to take Donte from Rianne. Rianne and Donte loved each other. Many times, she had prayed that nothing would happen to Rianne. Soon she would be sixteen and she intended to join the service. That would keep her away from Donte and Rianne for three years. They needed and deserved that time together. It might resolve another complication of the vision as well. Her feelings for Kenyon had grown until she thought she might be falling in love with him. How did a person know for sure if they were in love? Not that it mattered. She was bound by fate to Donte, and Kenyon still thought she was a child. Fate could be wicked.

    Donte held out his hand, palm up, to Kwasi. “I’m glad to see you. How was your trip?”
    “It was interesting.” He gripped Donte’s arm and released it, turning to Quade. “Monomi, it is good to see you again.”
    Donte squatted and offered a palm to Heri, speaking in Nyumbani. “I have been looking forward to your arrival, Heri." He glanced up as Petra joined them. "I have someone I want you to meet.” He took Petra's hand and urged her closer. "This is Petra. She is your half-sister, like Kenyon is my half-brother.”
    Heri placed his forearm in Donte’s palm and squeezed his arm while he looked at Petra. “Hello, Petra.”
    Donte turned. “And this is my father, president Quade, of Libertad - your grandfather.”
    Heri offered a palm to Quade. “I am pleased to meet you, Monomi.”
    Quade gripped his arm and smiled. “As I am honored to meet you, Monomi.”
    Rianne joined them, holding Andras. Donte looked up at her. “This is my mate, Rianne and our son, Andras.” He took Andras from Rianne and put him on one knee.
    People began gathering around them and Heri looked up at Kwasi, his expression concerned. Donte stood, shifting Andras to one arm. “Why don’t we go over to one of the tables and get you two some hot drinks?”
    Kwasi nodded. “I didn’t expect it to be cold so early. I forgot Bergen is in the mountains.”
    The music started and people drifted away from them. Donte took Heri’s hand and led him to a table. Andras started to fuss and Rianne took him from Donte.
    “I’ll take care of this.”
    Saskia arrived and took Petra to the play room with the other children. Donte, Heri and Kwasi talked, listened to the music and watched the rompers. Donte watched Celyn romp with Kenyon. Once again it struck him that they were getting along well now. King Neirin sat at a table talking to Nieke. His hair was tied back and he wore trousers. Hopefully he didn’t feel pressured to dress differently. Donte spotted Gerritt romping with Mai. He must have invited her. There was nothing wrong with that, but it did come as a surprise.

    Before Nieke could get to the group standing together, everyone but Neirin had left. She invited him to join her at a table and he accepted. A girl immediately came to them, offering them a hot drink.
    Nieke lifted her brows at Neirin and he nodded. She looked up at the girl. When are they going to serve the food?”
    “If you are ready, I can bring you some now.”
    Nieke nodded. “We’re both hungry.”
    When the girl walked away, Nieke looked at Neirin. “I didn’t recognize you at first, with your hair pulled back and….” Too late she realized that he might be self-conscious about wearing trousers.”
    He smiled. “Without my robe?”
    Warmth flooded her cheeks. “You look handsome. I think you have the most beautiful hair I’ve ever seen on a man.”
    He laughed. “So, I am both handsome and beautiful.”
    She smiled and shrugged. “You are certainly easy on the eyes.”
    He glanced at the rompers. “Last time I was here, I saw you romping with Donte. Would it be presumptuous of me if I asked you to romp with me?”
    She caught her breath. “No. I’d love to romp with you.”
    He lifted a brow. “I might step on your feet.”
    She gave him a shy smile. “I think it would be worth it.”
    He laughed again. “You are probably the only one who thinks so.”
    She couldn’t believe she was sitting there talking and laughing with a king. She, a mere colonist, was spending an enjoyable evening with a Mascot who actually seemed to prefer her company to others. She thought about pinching herself to see if it was a dream, but if it was, she didn’t want to wake.
    The girl came back with their hot drinks and food. After she left, Neirin looked at her. “Clud told me you did a magnificent job in commanding the militia. I’m impressed. As I said before, I’ve never met a woman commander – especially one so young and beautiful.”
    If he had never met a woman commander, then it followed that he had never met a woman commander who was young and beautiful. He was flirting with her. Why? Maybe he thought she was flirting with him.
   He sighed. “Now I have made you feel uncomfortable. I apologize. I must be honest. I was attracted to you the first time I saw you. I hoped to see you here tonight.” He glanced down at his clothes and lifted a brow. “I hoped you would be impressed.”
    She was impressed with him in his robe and flowing hair. Tonight, he was less attractive, and getting less so all the time. If what he wanted was a tumble with a naïve young colonist, he was going to be disappointed.
    “I’m not sure what you expect from me.” It was blunt, but they might as well get things clear from the start.
    He looked startled for a moment. Color stained his neck and he looked uncertain. “I expect nothing more than an evening of conversation and romping. Surely other men have expressed interest in you for the same reason.”
    She shrugged. “Yes, but they weren’t Mascots...or kings.”
    He slowly nodded. “I see.” He picked at his food with the eating utensil. Finally, he looked up at her. “I am a human too. Kings and Mascots have feelings the same as anyone else. I realize I am old enough to be your father.” He shrugged. “Maybe your grandfather. Maybe I should be ashamed that I am attracted to someone so young.”
    She stared at him, unsure how to take his confession. Was he serious? If he was, she didn’t want to discourage him. If he wasn’t, she didn’t want to be manipulated. Of course, he knew how she felt, so she could shut it off at any time and not feel guilty.
    “Mascots live so much longer that the difference in our age is not an issue. I’m merely surprised that you would be interested in me other than….” What was the polite term? Maybe there was no appropriate way to suggest what she was thinking.
    He smiled. “If I may; perhaps we should back up a few steps. It has been a long time since I have been attracted to a woman in this way. I merely want you to know I am serious. Of course, I would like to become friends with you first. Then we could see where our relationship goes. Would this be suitable to you?”
    The entire conversation was a little too familiar. Yet, for some strange reason, she liked his direct approach. It wasn’t as though they would see each other every day. They had tonight to get to know each other. They might not see each other again for a long time if they didn’t form at least a guarded friendship tonight.
    “I can’t promise anything. I like you.”
    He nodded. “And you still feel deeply for someone else.”
    She tried not to look at Donte. How did Neirin know?
    He smiled. “It is common for a young girl to become infatuated with her commander. Did you know that?”
    She looked down. “But he has a mate.”
    “Yes, and you are ashamed for that reason. But you do not throw yourself at him. You have respect for him and you have respect for yourself. You have honor.”
    She met his gaze. How did he know so much about how a young girl felt? Of course, he did have a daughter. She sighed. “You’re a kind man.”
    He smiled. “There, you see? We are almost friends already.”
    She laughed. “You are also persistent.”
    He grinned. “How else does a man get what he wants?”
    They said nothing more about the subject. They each knew what the other wanted and expected. For the rest of the evening, they romped and enjoyed each other without thought of where it would lead.

    When the last romp was announced, Nieke sat at the table with Neirin, Kwasi and Heri watching Donte and Rianne. They were both so graceful and limber. Donte had obviously recovered from his injury and everyone cheered them on during the competition at the end. They laughed and moved effortlessly in a romp that awed everyone. Without a doubt, they were the entertainment of the evening.

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