website counter The Anialwch Connection, Chapter 13
The Anialwch Connection
Chapter 13
 Donica held the kerchief to her mouth and stifled a hiccup. She hadn’t been able to stop crying since she found out about the attempted assassination. Donte didn’t think Chait was involved, but she wasn’t sure. Chait wouldn’t order anything like that, but she wasn’t sure he would interfere if someone else did. Chait hadn’t been the same person lately. She had unwittingly provided the information needed for the assassin to find Donte. As it turned out, that was what Donte wanted to happen, but that made little difference. He could have been killed and she would have had a hand in it.
    Donte wanted her to go back with them and she wanted that as well. She hadn’t seen Chait for more than a few hours at a time in the last month. Even when he was there, he was too preoccupied with his campaign to even notice his son. She had been lonely in the last month – more so than ever before. She wasn’t even sure she still loved Chait. That thought sent her into a fresh session of crying.
    She rocked on the edge of their bed, barely containing the sobs. She didn’t want to abandon Chait when he needed her, but it was becoming clear that he didn’t need her. Maybe he didn’t even want her. Since hearing about the attempt on Donte's life, she even wondered if something similar could happen to her. She was emotional – vulnerable. Chait loved her. He was simply tied up in the campaign. After that it would be different. So why not take a few weeks of vacation until things were resolved – one way or another?
    Someone knocked on the bedroom door and Donte called. “Donica, could I talk to you?”
    She wiped her eyes and blew her nose. “Come in,” she answered in a voice that didn’t completely hide her mood.
    Donte entered hesitantly and closed the door. “I don’t want to intrude, but….”
    She shook her head. “You’re not intruding.”
    He sat beside her on the bed. “Sima has given you permission to leave Lochfowk.”
    She looked at his face. “What did Chait say?”
    He grimaced. “Chait is more concerned about how it might affect his campaign than anything else. I don’t think he really minds if you go. I’m not the person to ask him right now. He’s pretty upset with me.”
    She sat up straight. “He’s upset with you? Of all the.…” Without warning she started to cry again.
    Donte put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “It’s all right, Donica.”
    “No, it’s not all right,” she sobbed into his chest. “I don’t know if it will ever be right again. I don’t know what to do. I want to be a good mate, but.…”
    Donte caressed her arm with one hand. “Why don’t you come with us? Sometimes it does a person good to get away where they can look at things objectively. You need familiar and comforting people around you for a while. It’s obvious that you are unhappy right now.”
  She was too consumed by sobs to respond. Donte understood. No matter what, she could count on Donte – and Saskia. Oh, how she missed Saskia. Rianne always knew what to say. Maybe she could use help getting things into perspective.
    Donte said nothing more. He merely held her while she cried. He wouldn’t push her. She had to make the decision. He was like Quade – strong and gentle. She wanted to see her father – and her grandfather. Maybe Akira could help her understand Chait.
    Finally, the sobs abated again. She pulled away from Donte and dried her tears. She looked up at him. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I can’t stop crying. I didn’t cry at all until I heard about.…” She swallowed a lump in her throat that threatened to emerge in another sob. “I’ve been so unhappy. That’s my fault. There are so many people who have less than I do.”
Donte’s smile was sweet. “Donica, the fact that things may be worse for others is irrelevant. You are not living their life. I do believe that we make the decision to be happy or not, but no matter how hard we try, there are going to be times when we fail. Sometimes we simply need someone else to lean on for a while.”
    “I’ll go with you. I need it. I’ve been so focused on taking care of Chait and Tavin that I have not been taking care of myself. I’m emotionally exhausted. I need a rest – a vacation.”
Donte hugged her and kissed her forehead. “Yes. A vacation will be good for you and Tavin. I’m sure this hasn’t been easy on him either. He has a lot of relatives who care about him that he has never met.”
    Leave it to Donte to bring the focus on family. Of course Tavin would benefit as much as she would. They weren’t deserting Chait. They were simply giving him some space. He wouldn’t have to worry about leaving them behind. He would know they were enjoying themselves. She could even get him a little support from other colonies. They could all benefit from this. As Donte said, this wasn’t the rest of her life. It was merely a difficult part of it. She had friends to help her through it.
    She hugged Donte. I’m so glad you are here. I didn’t know how badly I needed you.

    Chait didn’t come home or see them off at the station in the morning. That hurt, but she was surrounded by people who loved and understood. They didn’t blame Chait. Maybe that was what made their company more pleasant. They didn’t profess agreement with what Chait was doing, but they didn’t put him down. When Tavin cried for his father, Donte merely explained to him that daddy was working on his campaign and they would be back when he had more time to be with them. Tavin took to Donte immediately. Who didn’t? Except Chait.

    At the station in Libertad, they were welcomed by Quade, Akira, Rianne and Donte’s children. Rianne grabbed Donte first, hugging him and returning his eager kiss. If only Chait treated her the way Donte treated Rianne.
    When Quade folded Donica in his arms and gave her a huge welcome hug, she clung to him.
    “It’s so good to see you again,” he said.
    “I missed you so much.” She kissed his cheek.
    Rianne hugged her before turning to Celyn, welcoming her with a big hug. When all the welcomes were complete, they returned to Quade and Akira’s home, where they were shown to their rooms. It was late and they were all exhausted from the excitement and trip. It was good to be under her father’s roof again. She could hardly wait to see Saskia and Pieter tomorrow – and the beautiful mountains.

    In the morning, Kenyon decided to take Celyn home. Donica hugged him and said goodbye before he boarded the tram to Playa, where they would take a ship to Anialwch.
   The rest of them remained at the station, waiting for the tram to Bergen. It would be so nice to be back home with Saskia and Pieter, where things would feel normal for a change. She was talking to Rianne when Donte suddenly gripped his chest and gasped for air.
    Rianne was instantly at his side, calmly directing him.
    “Try to relax, Donte.” She looked up as Quade rushed to Donte’s side.
    “What is it, Donte? What’s wrong?”
    Rianne held Donte’s hand while Quade examined him. “His pulse is a little fast, but he seems to be healthy otherwise.”
    Donte finally gasped. “It isn’t me. It’s Papaw.”
    Quade looked at Rianne and she explained.
    “He feels the pain of loved ones in need. He felt Chiku’s fever.…” She shook her head. “We need to get to Bergen, right away.”
    Donica gripped Donte’s other hand. “We’ll get you there as fast as we can.” She looked up at Quade as the Bergen tram came into the station.
    Quade sprinted to the message center and talked to someone. Within minutes, they were boarding the tram. It didn’t wait for passengers, but shot out of the station at a speed Donica had never experienced. Quade stayed with them, always at Donte’s side.
    Donte said his pain had abated but Rianne continued to hold his hand. “At this speed, we’ll be there in no time.”
    Donte glanced around him. “I hope we make it in time.”
    Donica hoped they did too. Of course, she wanted to see her grandfather, but there was also the fact that Donte had been too late to help Liana, Bjorn and Chiku.

    When the tram pulled into the station at Bergen, a coach was waiting to take them to the Groot Thuis. As soon as they settled into the coach, it lurched into motion.
    Saskia met them at the door. She hugged Donica and Donte. “He’s been asking for you, Donte.” Her attention shifted to Quade. “I’m so glad to see you. Could you look at him too?”
    Donte, Donica, and Quade entered the room where Pieter lay on the bed propped up with pillows. Donica’s throat constricted at the sight of him. His eyes were closed and his skin was a pale gray color. When Quade began to examine him, Pieter opened his eyes. He turned his head and when he saw Donte, he reached a hand out to him.
    Donte sat in the chair beside his bed and took his hand. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you needed help, Papaw.”
    Pieter gave a weak nod and spoke in a voice that was barely above a whisper. “You are here now.” He squinted at Donica. “Is that Donica with you?”
    Donica approached his bed. Donte released his hand and he reached for Donica. She took his hand. It was cold and his grip was as weak as his smile.
    “It is good to see you,” he said.
    Quade finished his examination and stepped back. When Donica looked at him, he shook his head in a sad way. Donica fought back tears as she turned back to Pieter.
    “I’m glad I decided to visit.”
    Pieter looked at Donte. “I love you and I’m proud of you. I want you to understand that. If it were not for The Prophesy, I would want you to take my place.” He leaned his head back on the pillow and gasped for air. Finally, he opened his eyes and looked at Donte again. “Tell them that I have chosen Beier as my second.”
    Donte nodded. “I will tell the cabinet, Papaw. Now get some rest.”
    Donica couldn’t believe what she had heard. Was Papaw in his right mind? Donte took the news as if he expected it. She glanced up at Quade. He was watching Donte; his expression reflective. He didn’t appear to be surprised either. What had been happening in her absence? She wasn’t going to say anything to anyone. Donte was the rightful ruler. The cabinet had already approved him. Donte needn’t say anything to the cabinet. No one in that room was going to talk. Papaw didn’t know what he was saying. Why Beier? It wasn’t right.

  Pieter asked to see each of his great grandchildren individually, with Petra being last. He had her crawl up on the bed so she could hug him.
    “I’m going away,” he told her, “and I won’t be back, but I want you to be a good girl and take care of Saskia.”
    “Where are you going?”
    Pieter stroked her cheek. “Where all people go sooner or later.”
    “Will I see you when I get there?”
    Pieter smiled. “I hope so, but I hope that will be a long time from now.”
    When Petra left, he asked to see Rianne. She sat on the edge of the bed and took his hand. “Are you in pain, Papaw?”
    He shook his head. “Not now, but I am tired.” He smiled at her. “You are the best choice Donte has ever made. I think he knows that.”
    Rianne looked like she wanted to dispute it, but she simply said thank you and let it go at that.
    Peiter rolled his head to the side and looked at Donte and Donica. “Get your grandmother. I think it’s time for me to go.”
    Pieter said goodbye to Saskia and lost consciousness. Donica, Donte and Saskia stayed with him until he drew his last breath. Quade checked him and said he was gone. Donte leaned down with his forehead on Pieter’s hand and wept. Tears rolled down Donica’s cheek as she watched. It was more painful watching Donte’s grief than experiencing her own.
    Saskia put an arm around Donica’s shoulders and led her from the room, leaving Donte alone with his beloved grandfather. Poor Donte. He had lost all the way around.
    When Donte finally emerged from Papaw’s room, he was composed. He kissed Rianne and spoke in a hushed voice. “I have to talk to the cabinet. I’ll be right back.”
    Donica followed him out the door. “Don’t tell them, Donte. I won’t say anything and I’m sure Dad won’t either. Papaw wasn’t in his right mind.”
    Donte treated her to a sweet smile. “Donica, it doesn’t matter who heard. I heard. It was his wish and I will honor it. Perhaps he is right.”
    Donica shook her head vigorously. “No, he isn’t. He was just stubborn to the end.”
    He put a hand on her shoulder. “Whatever the case, I must honor his wish. The cabinet will make their decision. It isn’t up to us or Papaw. It is up to the people. Now go stay with Saskia. She needs you right now. I’ll be back as soon as I let them know.”
    Donica did as he said. Donte was right, of course, but how could he be so calm about it?


    Donte gathered the cabinet and told them Pieter was dead and that he had named Beier to succeed him.
    They looked at each other and Bastiaan spoke. “We will consider his request. Officially, right now you are the ruler, though. You will wear the uniform of Bergen ruler at his funeral to honor him. That is what people will expect and we don’t want to be pressured into a decision without the consent of the colony. We must poll the people of Bergen to see if Beier is confirmed. In the meantime, we’re sorry for your loss. Know that we are behind you until this is settled in a lawful way.”
    “Thank you. I will be honored to wear the uniform at Papaw’s funeral.”
    He left the cabinet and returned to Pieter and Saskia’s apartment. At the moment he wasn’t sure what he wanted or expected. The task of telling the cabinet was done. His next chore would be to tell Beier. After that, Pieter’s body must be prepared for the funeral.
    Rianne met him at the door and hugged him. Pieter’s words came to mind. She probably was the best decision he had ever made, but that didn’t belittle his union with Liana.
    Donte hugged Donica. “This is some vacation I talked you into.”
    “I’m glad you talked me into it. I’m glad I was here for Papaw in the end.”
    Donte nodded and looked at Beier. “Beier, I need to speak to you for a moment.”
    Beier followed him into Pieter’s office. Donte shut the door and turned to Beier.
    “Before Pieter died, he named you as his successor. I have told the cabinet. They informed me that I was to wear the uniform of the ruler at his funeral. It may take a while for them to confirm you.”
    Beier watched him as he spoke. His expression revealed no surprise. When Donte finished, Beier nodded. “Donte, I knew how he felt, but I never encouraged it.”
    Donte shrugged. “He was fully capable of making his own decisions.”
    Beier nodded again. “I disagree with him, though. I think he made the right choice first.”
    “Thank you for that much.”
    “I’ll back you, Donte. You have no reason to be concerned. I’m sorry about this. He never believed in The Prophesy.”
    “And you?”
    Beier shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe.” He smiled. “You and Celyn certainly give me reason to ponder it.”
    “Did Pieter know about you and Celyn?”
    “I never told him.”
    Donte held out a hand, palm up. “Whatever happens, I think you are a good choice, Monomi”
    Beier grabbed his forearm and squeezed it. “Thank you, Monomi.”

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