website counter The Anialwch Connection, Chapter 26
The Anialwch Connection
Chapter 26
    As Celyn and Ewan moved up the mountain, they began resting more frequently. Ewan kept stopping and watching down the mountain. He was beginning to look concerned. Celyn couldn’t imagine what was taking Donte so long. Maybe Ewan was starting to think the same thing. Maybe Donte was waiting on her father and his men. They had seen camelus approaching from the direction of the palace.
    They were nearing a widening of the trail where a bluff hung over a small lake when they heard the shot. Ewan stopped and swung around. He stared back down the mountain for a few minutes, listening. Finally, he grinned. “They got him.”
    Cold fear clutched her heart and for a moment she relived the horror of watching the arrow arch and strike Donte in the back. Was he alone now? She covered her mouth to discourage a scream. For a few moments she was so upset that she didn’t even think of connecting with him. When she did, she instantly connected. She flew over him. He and other men were lying on the ground, weapons ready as six men raced through the trees toward them. The ambush had backfired.
    There was a sudden burst of rapid gunfire and then silence. She soared over them again. Donte was alive. She flew back and circled over Ewan. She wasn’t safe yet. Ewan might decide to kill her. More likely, though, he would try to use her to get away.
    The overhang provided a wide area that had been previously used for a camp. Rocks circled cold ashes. From the overhang up, the slope was steep and rock strewn. No one could reach them from above. Ewan pointed the musket at her. Walk over to the edge of that bluff.”
    She did as he instructed. She looked over the edge. It was a long drop and the water looked deep. He wasn’t concerned she would jump. No sane person would jump that far voluntarily.
    When she looked back at Ewan, he gave her a wry smile. “It’s a long way down and that water is cold this time of year.” He backed against the cliff. “We’ll wait for him to come to us.”
    He laughed without humor. “Donte. I saw that shuttle come in. I figured that was what he would do. He and Adriaan are close, aren’t they?” He didn’t wait for a response. “They came and got him in Nyumbani…and you. We thought about Rianne, but he guards her too closely. We didn’t have to go so far to get you and since you ride almost daily, it was simple.” He watched the trail. “I don’t know how he survived the arrow. He shouldn’t have. That was their best archer.” He frowned. “I don’t know how he got past my snipers, but it won’t do him any good. He’ll trade his life for you.”
    “Because that’s the way he is.”
    “You know that and you still want to kill him? Why?”
    “You wouldn’t understand.”
    She shrugged. “What difference does it make? You’re going to kill me anyway.”
    He stared at her. “You’re a calm one.”
    She continued to watch him.
    He shrugged. “He’s getting in the way. He has too much power and he is interfering in things that have nothing to do with Bergen.”
    “Like the raiders in Nyumbani? He’s only trying to help all the colonists.”
    He shook his head. “I said you wouldn’t understand.”
    “He’ll kill you.”
    He shrugged again. “Maybe, but either way he loses. I’ll kill you. Take a look over that bluff. That’s where you’ll be buried.”
    “You’re a vile man.”
    He chuckled. “I’m a loyal man. It isn’t about me. It’s all about the cause.”
    “What cause?”
    “The Cabal.”
    “What’s that?”
    He rolled his eyes. “You wouldn’t understand. Do you ever shut up?”
    She said nothing more. There was nothing to be gained by irritating him.


    Nieke was leading Neirin and his men up the trail when she heard the first shot. She ran up the trail as fast as she could, feeling like her heart was in her throat. Had they shot Donte? She came upon them suddenly.
    Donte turned to them. “Get down.”
    They barely got in position before the men were on them. The battle was brief and no one on their side was even injured.
    Donte stood. “Come on, he’s got her on a ledge ahead of us.”
    They raced up the mountain and when they came to a widening of the trail, Donte instructed Beier and Nieke to stay on the trail and stop the man if he tried to escape in that direction. Paden and Dour were in position on the other side to prevent them from escaping that way. They had them trapped.
    Donte took Kenyon with him up the mountain above Celyn and her captor. Nieke could see Celyn standing near the edge of the cliff, but only the end of the musket that her captor was holding – and that was aimed at Celyn.
    Donte got into position above them and called down. “Surrender. You’re surrounded.”
    The man laughed. “You surrender, Donte. Otherwise, I shoot her.”
    “All your men are dead. There is no way out for you.”
    “I only want one shot at you, Donte. I won’t miss.”
    Donte didn’t respond.
    “I’m giving you to the count of ten to get down here, Donte – unarmed. If you don’t, I’ll shoot her.”
    Donte looked over the edge for a minute, as if he was considering coming down that hill. No one could come down that hill. It was too steep and full of loose rocks. He’d have to come down the side and walk in. That would be when they would have to kill the man – before he could shoot Donte.
    Nieke heard Donte speak on Beier’s medallion. “Dour, are you familiar with that lake?”
    “Yes,” Dour said.
    “How deep is it?” There was a moment of silence before Dour responded. “Maybe 20 or 30 feet deep, there by the bluff.”
Donte leaned over and looked down the slope again. Surely, he wasn’t considering going down that way. Suddenly he stood.
    “I’m coming down,” he called.
    Nieke caught her breath and looked at Beier. “He’ll break his neck!"
    Beier moved to where he could get a clear shot at the man, but when the man stepped out to watch Donte, Celyn was in the way.
    Nieke watched in dismay as Donte started down the slope. He plunged feet first, literally skating on top of a landslide of gravel. Dust flew up around him. The kidnapper lowered his musket, staring in disbelief as Donte retained his footing. When Donte reached the ledge still on his feet, everyone watched in stunned surprise. That was when Donte did something that no one expected. He leaped at Celyn, grabbing her as he continued his downward momentum. She screamed as they both plunged over the cliff.
    Nieke stepped forward, her laser on the man. “Drop it now.”
    He dropped the musket and stared at her. “Who are you?”
    Nieke didn’t answer him. Beier, Paden and Dour joined her and picked up the weapon. Nieke looked at them. “Gather some wood and start a fire, they are going to be cold when they get out of that water.”
    They looked at her as though she was crazy, but they did as she instructed. As she turned to find a way down the cliff, Kenyon tossed Donte’s boots into the campsite and plunged into the brush on the other side of the trail. He was going down to get Donte and Celyn.


    Donte held on to Celyn and struggled to get into an upright position before they hit the water. The water slammed into them with bone-jarring strength, trying to rip Celyn from his grasp, but he hung on. They kept going down, but he didn’t fight it. Slowly they stopped descending and started back up. Their progress was suddenly halted. Celyn was stuck on something. He felt around until he found her robe caught on a limb. He yanked, but it wouldn’t come loose. He jerked the robe off her shoulders and pulled her from it. It was only extra weight at this point anyway. Her eyes were squeezed shut and she looked like she was out of air. No surprise, screaming like that. He pinched her nose and put his mouth over hers. When she gasped, he blew air into her mouth. He kept his mouth over hers as he kicked his feet. Once more, they began to ascend. When they broke the surface, he released her. She gasped and coughed, clinging to him.
    “I can’t swim!”
    “I’m here,” he said in a calm voice. “Take my arm.”
    She could have panicked and maybe drowned them both, but instead she grabbed his arm and hung on as he swam to the shore. He helped her onto a ledge and pulled himself up beside her. She was shivering. He stood and pulled his shirt off. Wringing the water from it, he lifted her to her feet and helped her get into the shirt.
    He held her close. “It’s all over now. You’re safe.”
    She snuggled close in his arms and started crying. “I was so afraid.”
    Brush cracked on the side of the hill and Kenyon emerged. He let out a gust of breath in relief. “They’re all right,” he called up to the others.
    When Celyn heard his voice, she turned and ran to him.     Kenyon folded his arms around her. “Shhh. It’s all right.” He kissed her cheek and she turned her head, kissing his lips. For a long moment they kissed each other.
    Donte finally clamped his sagging jaw shut and looked away. King Neirin would have a fit if he caught them. Kenyon was old enough to be her grandfather. She was only fifteen. What was Kenyon thinking? Was this the first time they had kissed?
    Kenyon released her. “Here now. I think they’ve got a fire going. Let’s get you up there.”
   Donte turned at the sound of Nieke’s voice. She anchored herself by grabbing a tree and reached a hand down to him.     “Grab my hand and I’ll help you up. You two need to warm by the fire before we continue.”
    He grabbed her hand and she helped him up the steep slope.     He smiled at her. “It’s much more difficult climbing up than it was going down.”
    She gave him a wry smile. “You had a woman to show you the way down.”
    He laughed and grabbed the tree. “Go ahead. I’ll help them up the trail.”
    She said nothing more, but watched anxiously as they all came up the slope after her.
    Nieke made sure they were both sitting close to the fire before she turned to Donte. Pulling a handkerchief from her pocket, she began dabbing his forehead. “How did you cut your face?”
    He shrugged. “I don’t know. It must have been on that limb when I was trying to get Celyn loose. I had to leave her robe down there.”
    She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “I’m going down to get the shuttle. You and Celyn stay here and dry as much as possible.”
    Donte looked up at her. “You can’t bring the shuttle up here. We’re in Lochfowk.” He looked at Celyn. She was shivering. Kenyon put an arm around her and she snuggled close to him for warmth.
    Ewan sat on a log, his hands and feet bound. Beier stood over him, glowering at him; his laser aimed at Ewan’s head.
    Celyn lifted her head from Kenyon’s chest. “His men were talking about Ness and the assassination attempt. They were behind it as well the attack on Donte in Nyumbani. They called it the Nyumbani operation. They were trying to get rid of Donte so someone named Kia could do his job. They are trying to take over the Lochfowk government. Something called the Cabal.”
    Donte looked at Kenyon. “Donica is in danger.”
    Kenyon nodded. “And Chait. Kia is Chait’s vice-president. All they have to do is kill Chait and they can take control.” He glared at Ewan. “Except they felt they needed to get Donte and Celyn out of the way.”
   Donte ran fingers through his hair, squeezing out the moisture. It had always been words until now. He and Celyn would lead the colonists to freedom. Today it had been a reality. It wasn’t going to happen one day or one week. It was going to happen over a number of years. It had all started when the colonies began to contact and unite. He and Celyn had started working together for the good of the colonies the day they entered Lochfowk together. If they had failed, Lochfowk would have been the first of the colonies to lose their freedom. The colonies currently had freedom. What they would be fighting for was the maintenance of that freedom. How long would they be putting their lives at risk?
  He released the thought as he became aware of men approaching the camp. He stood and stepped around the fire. “Kenyon…Beier...Nieke,” he said as he pulled the weapon from his pocket. “Someone is coming.”
   Ewan looked hopeful. Beier’s voice was cold as ice. “They aren’t going to help you any, no matter who they are. You’ll find out what it feels like to have your brains fried.”
    Kenyon stood and gently pushed Celyn behind him as he drew his weapon. Nieke had her weapon ready, but her attention was not totally focused on the trail where Donte watched.
    Donte kept his attention on the trail. “Celyn?”
    Within seconds he was soaring above the trail. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Coming toward them were six men in light green uniforms. How did they know – and how did they get there so fast?
    He lifted a hand to Kenyon. “They are friendly.” He turned to face the men, shirtless and in wet socks. It would be equally embarrassing for Celyn.
    Nieke joined Beier and looked from Donte to Celyn with a confused expression. Beier accepted Donte’s assessment of the situation without question, but Nieke still held her weapon ready.
    Donte looked at her. “Put your weapon away.”
    She obeyed, though it was obvious that she didn’t think that was a good idea. He didn’t want anyone hurt because the troops felt threatened – or felt he or Celyn was being threatened.
    The men walked into the camp and stood at attention. One took a step toward Donte and made a deep bow. “Monomi, we are here to escort you back to the shuttle.”
    Donte didn’t know how to respond. It was common to tip the head forward in a slight bow in acknowledgment of high authority and deep respect. These were the only people who had ever actually bowed to him. He tipped his head forward in acknowledgement.
    “We appreciate the assistance.”
    Beier knew who they were and his expression indicated he was impressed by their presence, but Nieke stared at them, obviously not knowing what to think. Kenyon watched them with interest. He had heard of them. Paden and Dour looked at each other in disbelief. These were the troops Donte was supposed to command when The Prophesy began – the Premier Infantry.
    Ewan knew who they were. His face was pale and he visibly cringed. He knew The Prophesy was real now, but he wouldn’t live to tell anyone about the troops.
    Donte beckoned with one hand. “Celyn, come here.”
    She stepped around Kenyon and took her place beside Donte, her chin lifted. He had never told her of the men, but she appeared to understand who they were.
    The man bowed again. “We are honored, Nomi.” He turned back to Donte. “You will all come with us."
    Donte grabbed his boots and plunged his feet into them, wet socks and all.
    One of the men untied Ewan’s feet and motioned for him to stand. They left his hands tied behind his back and pushed him ahead of them as they started back up the trail.
    Nieke looked at Donte, her expression apprehensive. He gave her a reassuring smile and held out his hand to her. She took his hand and he guided her in front of him as they started up the trail. Celyn followed him and Beier fell in behind her. Kenyon, Paden and Dour followed Beier and the other troops brought up the rear. They walked single file up the trail to the top, where a shuttle waited. On the side of the shuttle was the emblem of the Baigh. Commander Cadha wouldn’t allow the Anialwch militia to enter Lochfowk, but these men were part of Lochfowk. Up to that point, Donte didn’t know anyone but Beier was aware of their existence. Did Commander Cadha know the location of the underground fortress?
    The shuttle took them down the mountain and landed beside the Moeder shuttle.
    Donte explained the situation to the commander of the infantry. “I need permission to take our shuttle into Lochfowk.”
    The commander shook his head. “We will take you near the main colony. That is all we can do.”
    King Neirin came up to them and handed Donte his shirt.     “Thank you for your help. I don’t want to seem ungrateful, but we are taking Celyn back to the palace.” His gaze settled on the commander of the infantry. He offered a palm. “I don’t know who you are, but I’m thankful for your assistance.”
    When Neirin walked away, everyone watched Donte. They were all waiting for his decision. What he needed to do next didn’t require a militia. In fact, he needed only one other person, Kenyon. As Donica’s brothers, their presence in Lochfowk would not be questioned. Kia wouldn’t think anything if he saw Kenyon there. He might even think that Kenyon was carrying the news of Donte’s demise. Kenyon could guard Donica and Tavin while Donte took care of Kia. This time he wasn’t going to embarrass Chait.
    “Nieke,” he began. “I need you to fly the shuttle back to the airfield. I want you to take Dour, Paden and Beier with you.” He looked at Dour and Paden. “Thank you for your assistance.”
Nieke looked disappointed. “Yes, Monomi.”
    Beier stared at him. “You and Kenyon are going alone?”
    “I need you in Bergen, Beier.”
    “Yes, Monomi.”
    Nieke started for the shuttle and Donte fell into step beside her. “I don’t want to get Vlaktes involved in this.”
    She looked up at him. “You shouldn’t be involved in it either.”
    He smiled. “I know you’re right, but Kenyon and I have a personal stake in this. Donica is our sister.” At the shuttle, he retrieved his uniform. “All the same, I’m going in as the ruler of Bergen. This time I want to do it the proper way.”
    She smiled up at him. “Only you could pull that off.”
    He smiled. “I hope.” He sobered. “I’m sorry I disrupted your visit. Could I impose on you a little longer to stay with the shuttle and relay messages for me to the spaceships if I need to?”
    She nodded. “Of course.”
    He held a hand out to her. “Thank you for your assistance – now and during the mission in Nyumbani. I don’t think I’ve given you the respect due you as an officer. For that I apologize. It was a failure on my part, not yours.”
    She gazed up at him for a moment, her expression sober. “I didn’t make a choice to fall in love with you.”
    “I know. It was my pheromones.”
    She suddenly grinned. “Is that a fact?” She shook his hand. “You don’t give yourself enough credit.” She sobered. “Good luck.”
    He was going to need it.

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