website counter Return Of The Fontalo, Chapter 24
Return Of The Fontalo
by Linda Rigsbee
Chapter 24
    When the captain radioed the Lepus, Donte knew that Cheska and Nieke had arrived at the Columba. Nieke had managed to get a code into the system so that it would pick up on her communications medallion. That code could only be read by the Azar. When she didn’t contact them, he knew she was being held captive.
    It was something Nieke had anticipated and she had devised a plan of escape when the time was right. He had to trust her. He had no choice. Beier was livid when he discovered what had happened. Neirin was shocked and quietly requested Donte and Vidal to do something about it. Quade and Rianne watched Donte as if they knew he had something planned. They all waited for almost a week until the ship finally arrived.
    The captain confidently radioed them and began giving orders. The Azar was to fall in behind the Lepus and let the Columba bring up the rear. They ignored the Centaurus, as it couldn’t keep up with them.


    Neirin was standing in the corridor, talking to Rianne, when the Azar began to rumble. If they hadn’t grabbed each other, they probably would have fallen. Rianne looked startled.
    “We are slowing down for some reason.”
    Neirin walked her to the door of her compartment. “I’ll go to the control room and see what’s going on.”
  The children met her at the door, eyes wide. “What is happening? Are we going to crash?”
    Rianne smiled at them confidently. “Everything is fine. The ship is just slowing down. Let’s go in and read a story.”
    Neirin left her and headed for the control room. This was probably part of Donte’s plan. Neirin knew he had one when he remained calm about the capture of Nieke and Cheska. Normally Donte would be doing something, but he merely waited. No doubt he and Nieke had planned something together.
    Neirin had been impressed with Nieke from the first time he met her. She had the potential of a great leader. She'd always had more courage than any woman he had met, but as she worked with the militias, she gained confidence and skill in leadership. Her understanding of the communications equipment was astounding. If Donte had left her behind on this mission, Neirin would have wondered what was wrong with his brain. Still, it troubled him that Nieke was involved. Purlieu needed her.
    Nieke was in love with Donte. At first Neirin had been certain it was merely infatuation. He had been confident he could distract her from Donte and win her heart. What an egotistical fool he had been. Instead, he had fallen in love with her and she had remained devoted to Donte. She had been different since they started this mission, though. Seeing her with Beier had twisted his gut into knots. When the Captain captured her, he wanted to strangle him. The captain’s fight was with Donte and the rest of the Mascots, not Nieke and Cheska. The captain didn’t want them, though. He was using them to manipulate Donte. It was a cowardly thing to do – totally without honor.


    When the Columba caught up with the other ships, Nieke and Cheska listened to the captain give his orders. He was clearly enjoying his revenge on Donte. It was a shame to bring his enjoyment to an end, but they had things to do.
  Nieke had confided her interest in becoming a spaceship commander with the captain. As she had anticipated, he had allowed her to spend more time in the control room. He didn’t like the idea of having them in two separate places, so Cheska was generally with her.
    Nieke’s cue to act came when the Azar disappeared from the viewing screen of the Columba. While the crew was distracted by the unexpected event, Nieke and Cheska slipped out the door. The guard glanced at them as they headed toward their room, but looked back at the control room when he heard the commotion. At that point, Nieke and Cheska changed direction and ran down the corridor that led to the airship. Nieke pulled Cheska’s altered cell phone from her pocket and pressed a code. The door opened, allowing them to get inside the airship. She pressed another code to free them from the ship and let it drift out of the bay. She didn’t start the engines until they were under the Columba. At that point she turned the airship toward the rear of the Columba and headed for the Azar, which was moving into position behind the Columba. Nieke flew the airship under the Azar, into the bay, and docked. She pressed another code on Cheska’s phone and handed it to her as they stepped into the corridor on the Azar. They went immediately to the control room.
Donte and Vidal looked up as they entered. Donte smiled and looked at Vidal. “Let’s become visible to them again.”
    Vidal instructed the crew and motioned to Donte.
   Donte spoke into the communications device in a quiet but firm voice. “That’s right, Captain Pacilio. I’m behind you now. Just keep moving. I like this arrangement much better.”
 Captain Pacilio swore profusely. Obviously, he had no appreciation for Donte’s sense of humor.
   Cheska had a hand over her mouth. She didn’t look like she knew whether to laugh or scold Donte. She did neither. “How did you do that?”
    Donte looked at Nieke. “The hard part was the manipulation with the signals. Nieke did that.” He looked back at Cheska. “The Fontalo ships travel with their shields up and use the viewing monitor to navigate. By the time they could lower their shields to visually look for us, we were under them and they couldn’t see us either way.
    Vidal had a big grin on his face as he listened to Donte. “Our part was so simple that I found it hard to believe it would work. It did, though. The funniest part is that Captain Pacilio lined everything up perfectly for us.”
    Cheska looked at Nieke. “You are absolutely amazing.” She shifted her attention to Donte. “Nieke was so calm that at times I wondered if she even realized how bad the situation was.” She looked at Nieke again. “Where did you learn all that stuff?”
   Nieke smiled. “Thank you. I learned a lot serving on the Moeder, but I’ve always found it interesting. There are so many possibilities.”
    Donte nodded. “She’s the one who solved our communications issues after the attack on the Bergen station. I hope we can get her to help us improve our network.
    Vidal rubbed his beard and studied Nieke. “If you’d like a job on the Azar, let me know. We can use someone with your talent.”
It was the opportunity that Nieke had been waiting for, and yet, after talking with Cheska, she didn’t know if she wanted to pursue it. She had never thought about the fact that she would have to make a choice between family and career. It wasn’t as though she had anyone in mind. She simply didn’t know if she wanted to make an either/or decision about those things. She wanted both. She still wanted Donte, even after her discussion with him. The difference now was that she was willing to find someone else. She liked Beier, but he was more like a father than a lover. Maybe that was the way she felt about Neirin. She thought about it for a moment and decided not. She wanted to love Neirin. Maybe she did love him in a way. She had even thought about Gerritt, but he was obviously interested in Mai. She didn’t want to get into that situation with another man.
    She looked up as Neirin entered the control room. His smile singled out Nieke. “Welcome back.”
    “Thank you.” She held his gaze for a few moments. He had been concerned about her. She could see it in his eyes. He wouldn’t say anything because he believed she had the right to make decisions about her own welfare. He liked the fact that she had become involved in The Prophesy. He had said so, plainly.
    Cheska interrupted her thoughts. “I’d better get back to the Centaurus. I have been absent without permission.”
    Nieke walked with her down the corridor. “I’m glad I got to spend some time with you, though I wish it had been under better circumstances.”
    Cheska glanced back and Nieke followed her gaze. Neirin was standing outside the control room door, watching them. Cheska gave Nieke a stern look. “He loves you. Don’t let that one slip away.”
    Nieke sighed. “I keep remembering what you said – family or career. I don’t want to be tucked away in a castle in the desert. That might be alright for Celyn and Kenyon, but I don’t want to live like that.”
    Cheska nodded. “He’s here now. Maybe he’s willing to make a change?”
    Nieke shook her head. “He’s here because he feels an obligation to Donte.”
    Cheska watched her a moment. “Does he know how you feel?”
Nieke shook her head again. “He’s the King of Anialwch. I can’t…I won’t ask him to give up that position – especially when I’m not sure of my own feelings.”
    Cheska sighed. “Life can get so complicated.”
   They stopped at the bay door and Nieke offered a hand. “Thank you for your input. I appreciate it. I hope we will meet again.”
    Cheska shook her hand. “I’ll make a point of it.”

    Neirin watched Nieke say goodbye to Cheska and turn back toward the control room. He met her half way and took her into his arms. She didn’t resist, so he kissed her lips. She returned his kiss. He lifted her face and looked into her eyes. “I was concerned about your safety. I didn’t know what was happening.”
She gazed up at him. “I’m sorry. We didn’t want to chance anyone finding out. Donte thought it would be more convincing if people reacted naturally.”
    “I love you, Nieke. I know I made a mess of this. Give me another chance.”
    She looked up at him, obviously confused. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
    “I took you for granted. I thought I could compete with Donte.”
    For a moment she gazed into his eyes. “You don’t have to compete with Donte. I love him. I probably always will, but I can’t have him. I don’t think I ever truly accepted that until now.”
She leaned against him and sighed. “I don’t know. Maybe I could love you the way I love him. It’s just that…” She lifted her head and met his gaze. “I don’t think I would be happy being a homemaker in a palace. I’m simply not that kind of person.”
    He brushed the hair back from her face. “It would be a terrible waste of a brilliant mind. I would never ask you to give up everything you love.”
    She frowned. “Then what?”
    He kissed her forehead, enjoying the softness of her skin. “I don’t know, but I think I love you as much as you love Donte. We can work this out.” He pulled her close again and whispered into her hair. “At least we can try, Nieke. I don’t want to lose you.”
    She hugged him and told him the only thing she could that was true. “I missed you.”


    Cheska had barely returned to the Centaurus when Captain Shea called and asked her to come to the Lepus for a meeting. Cheska could imagine how that conversation would go. Captain Shea probably wanted to know why she was consorting with Mascots. No one from Fontalo had any authority over Cheska, but there was no reason not to meet with her.
    When Cheska arrived on the Lepus, she was immediately escorted to Captain Shea’s office. Captain Shea stood and offered a hand. She was a tall woman, attractive in spite of the way she presented herself. Her black uniform was as tidy as her hairstyle, which was pulled back severely into a bun – not a hair out of place. Her dark eyes held a touch of scorn and her lips were set in a stern line.
    She shook Cheska’s hand and indicated a chair. Cheska sat in front of Captain Shea’s desk and steeled herself for a lecture.
    Captain Shea’s voice was crisp, her tone critical. “I understand that you were on the Columba with a colonist from Purlieu for a week.”
    “Yes, we were both being held captive.”
    Captain Shea frowned. “Captive? Why would Captain Pacilio hold you captive? Did he think you would betray him?”
    “He didn’t say. I assume he wanted to use us to manipulate Donte.”
    Captain Shea watched Cheska for a moment. “Who is this Donte? Vidal is the commander of our ship, Azar.”
    “Donte is the ruler of Bergen. The leaders of each colony and all three spaceship commanders have chosen him to represent them in this mission.”
    Captain Shea lifted a brow. “What mission is that? Why have they moved one of our ships from Purlieu?”
    Cheska had the feeling that Captain Shea knew more than she wanted to reveal. “I’m afraid you would have to ask Donte about that.”
    Captain Shea stared at her for a moment, probably still expecting an answer. When Cheska said nothing more, Captain Shea released an exasperated sigh. “You are hostile toward me. Why?”
    Cheska lifted her chin and looked Captain Shea in the eye. “I am not hostile toward you. I simply don’t have the information you are requesting.”
    Captain Shea eyed her with a skeptical expression. “You were in the company of a Purlieu colonist when you decided to dock on the Columba. You left Purlieu ahead of the Columba and you rendezvoused with the Azar later. You left the Columba without any assistance. It sounds to me like you have chosen a side.”
   Cheska smiled. “I was ordered by the GEF to take the Centaurus to Purlieu and warn the colonists about a possible threat to execute the Mascots. I did that. My mission was complete and I received orders to return to Oriel. I was not instructed to intervene between the colonists and Fontalo – and I have not done so. Commander Vidal asked for two volunteers to take an airship back to the Fontalo ship and assist them if necessary. I volunteered because I thought I could help. Nieke volunteered for the same reason. As it turned out, the Columba did need help. Nieke repaired their communication system. She was also the one who masterminded our escape.”
    “Why did you feel the need to escape? Were you threatened in any way?”
    “I was detained against my will and refused permission to communicate. That’s an implied threat. Fontalo has no authority over me.”
    Captain Shea gave her a wry smile. “That is true. What about this Donte? How do you feel about him?”
   Cheska shrugged. “He’s a good leader and an amazing person.”
    “He has influenced you with his pheromones.”
    Cheska frowned. “His what?”
    “According to Captain Pacilio, Donte is a Mascot – a mixture,” Captain Shea explained the purpose of the pheromones. “Mixing was forbidden because it increased the pheromones.”
    Cheska shrugged again. “I didn’t know that.” Now that Captain Shea explained it, she knew why she felt so drawn to Donte from the beginning. Still, pheromones didn’t explain everything. “He’s a remarkable person.”
   Captain Shea rolled her eyes. “Everyone thinks they are impervious to the pheromones.”
    There was no point in arguing with her. “As I said, you’ll have to talk to Donte. I might add that I think Nieke is also an amazing person – even though no pheromones are involved.”
    Captain Shea thought about it for a moment. “I’ll have him meet with me here to talk about it.”
   Cheska didn’t want to sound argumentative, but she felt compelled to warn Captain Shea. “I doubt that they will let him leave the Azar.”
    Captain Shea blinked in surprise. “I thought he was high commander. Why would anyone object? We own the Mascots and the Azar.”
    Cheska couldn’t contain a smile. “You and Captain Pacilio are traveling in front of the Azar.”
    Captain Shea caught her breath. “Surely you are not implying that the Azar would fire on us if we don’t comply.”
    Cheska shrugged and stood. “You can always try and see what happens.”
    “That’s preposterous! Who does he think he is?”
    “I think Donte explained that to Captain Pacilio. On Purlieu, Mascots and colonists adore Donte. They are extremely protective of him. He is honorable and fair. If you don’t show aggression toward them, they will treat you well. If you are aggressive, they will fight back.”
    Captain Shea considered that information. “He really got to you, didn’t he?”
    There was no point in telling her more. She wasn’t going to believe anything until she saw it for herself.
    Cheska held out a hand. “It was…interesting…to meet you. I have to get back. I’ve been gone a long time.”
   Captain Shea stood and shook Cheska’s hand. “I have offended you.”
   Cheska wouldn’t have thought Captain Shea cared if she offended someone. “I’m not offended. You wouldn’t have any way of knowing about them. I was merely trying to enlighten you. I was taken by surprise because I pictured them as beasts. I suggest you meet all of them. It’s an experience you’ll never regret.”
   Captain Shea’s tone was dry. “Apparently Captain Pacilio regretted his meeting with Donte.”
    Cheska smiled. “He went in thinking he was better than them. He threatened them and attacked them. I’m sure you will be more diplomatic.”
   Captain Shea grimaced. “Thank you for the warning.” She shrugged. “Just between the two of us, Pacilio is a self-appointed Captain. He’s the CEO of Fontalo, but he knows less about negotiating than he does about being a captain. He’s used to getting his way, and if he doesn’t, he can get ugly.”
    “He told Donte that he was waiting for reinforcements from Oriel.”
    Captain Shea said nothing. Obviously, Captain Pacilio had been waiting on the Lepus. Captain Shea might share the same rank as Captain Pacilio, but clearly Captain Pacilio was in control. Captain Shea would do as she was told.

Continue to Chapter 25

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