website counter Return Of The Fontalo, Chapter 20
Return Of The Fontalo
by Linda Rigsbee
Chapter 20
   After Nieke left Donte’s office, he turned to Rianne. “I don’t know. What do you think?”
    “It’s not up to me, but since you asked, I think it’s time you two had a long conversation. In fact, it’s way past due.”
    “What do you expect me to say? It’s not as if she has ever done anything distasteful.”
    Rianne leaned forward and put her elbows on Donte’s desk. I know that neither of you have acted on her…affliction…but it isn’t accomplishing anything to ignore the situation.”
    It wasn’t a subject Donte wanted to address. He liked Nieke, but having her on the same small ship with him for months at a time was inviting trouble – or was he merely being vain about that issue? In any case, he didn’t have a clue what to say to her. If he did, he would have said it years ago.
   Rianne sighed. “Alright. Let’s address this logically. Forget about her desire for you. Let’s assume she was anyone else – maybe a man. Why would you want her to go?”
    Donte considered her question. There were many reasons her presence on the ship would be beneficial, and only one that would be detrimental. He lifted his gaze to Rianne. “She’s a superb commander. She is highly skilled at flying shuttles and airships. She’s the best communications expert that we have. She stays focused in battle.
    Rianne smiled. “You can stop anytime now. I’m starting to feel inferior.”
    Donte smiled. “You needn’t.”
    She laughed. “I know. So, tell me; with all of those skills, why would you even consider leaving her behind?”
    Donte met her gaze. “You know why.”
    She wrinkled her nose. “Humor me. Tell me what your concerns are.”
    He didn’t want to put his reason into words. Why should he when it was obvious? Still, Nieke wasn’t going to seduce him and even if she did, he wasn’t concerned about being vulnerable. Nieke would never do anything to harm Rianne, and Rianne liked Nieke. In fact, the only problem that might arise from taking Nieke along would be gossip. That shouldn’t bother him, but it did. Everyone knew Nieke was in love with him and they might wonder if there was something mutual if he allowed her to come with them. That was hardly fair to Nieke.
    Rianne lifted a brow, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. “What’s the matter, Donte? Are you afraid of a scandal?”
    “That doesn’t concern you?”
    “Honestly, no. What concerns me is that Nieke might miss out on the trip of a lifetime – and the relationship of a lifetime.”
    Donte sighed. “Rianne, I can’t do anything about her relationship with Neirin.”
    “She’s attracted to Neirin, and he is in love with her. Why hasn’t that worked out?”
    Donte frowned. “How would I know?”
    “You were her first love, Donte. She never had an intimate relationship with you, but I have no doubt that she has imagined it. She has blown it up in her mind to the point that an intimate relationship with Neirin doesn’t measure up to her fantasies about you.”
    Warmth crawled up Donte’s neck. He had never considered the idea that Nieke was making love to him in her dreams – or that she might be comparing him to Neirin. He gave Rianne a wry smile. “So, what do you want me to do – prove that I’m not as good as she thinks I am?”
    She looked at her hands in her lap. “Oh, I know you’re a better lover.
    Of course, Rianne would think he was… Wait. What? He frowned. “How do you know…?”
    She lifted her gaze to his, her eyes twinkling with mirth. “You couldn’t possibly improve, so you must be the best.”
    He wasn’t sure whether she was mocking him or complimenting him. He shook his head. “I don’t understand what you think I should do.”
    She sobered. “Donte, this isn’t about you or me – or even Neirin. It’s about a fantastic commander who is ruining her life. I think you should talk to her. Tell her what she’s doing. Only you could convince her.”
    The idea of talking to Nieke about intimacy made him break out in a cold sweat. He mopped his forehead with his shirtsleeve.     “Why don’t you talk to her? You seem to understand what she is feeling.”
    Rianne stood. “Oh no. You’re not going to dump this one on me.” Her eyes teased him. “You can do it. I know you can.”

    Rianne had a lot more faith in him than he did. Still, she was right about one thing. There was no good reason to leave Nieke behind. Donte decided to take Nieke with them the day he talked to Rianne, but he procrastinated about telling her because he knew he should have that talk with her – the one Rianne suggested. He simply didn’t know what to say. When he could put it off no longer, he finally sent a message for Nieke to meet him in his office.


    Nieke wasn’t sure what to think when she received Donte’s message to meet her in his office. He could have simply sent a message saying that he had accepted her. The fact that he had waited almost a week to do so implied that he didn’t want her along. She couldn’t blame him. Everyone knew how she felt about him. It must be embarrassing for him and Rianne. They would probably think she went along so she could be with him. That wasn’t the case at all. This was probably the only opportunity she would have to see Oriel, but even that wasn’t her only reason for wanting to go. She had served three years on the Moeder and loved it. To travel on the Azar through space to another planet was exciting enough, but the idea of being able to use her skill in defending it if necessary was what dreams were made of. Anialwch was building a ship and she would like the opportunity to be its commander. What she needed was more experience. She might get that on the Azar with Commander Vidal.
    When she arrived at Donte’s office, he immediately told her that he had accepted her application. Then he proceeded to tell her all the reasons he thought she was qualified. She had never guessed he thought so highly of her. Still, he was uncomfortable about something. He avoided her gaze and talked about trivial things; which wasn’t like Donte.
    Finally, he stood and walked around his desk, sitting on the corner of it in front of her. “I don’t know how to broach this subject, but I think I must. If we don’t get this thing out in the open and talk about it, you may never have a normal relationship.”
    She looked up at him, her face growing warm. There was nothing to talk about. She loved a man who would never love her. It wasn’t his fault – or hers, for that matter. It simply happened.
    When she said nothing, he continued. “When Liana died, I thought I could never love anyone that way again. I felt responsible for her death and I was so obsessed with that thought that I rejected any idea of loving again. I don’t know how long that would have gone on if someone else hadn’t shown interest in Rianne. I had to let go of Liana before I could accept my love for Rianne.”
    Nieke slowly let out a breath of relief. He didn’t tell her it wasn’t love that she felt for him. “You still love Liana.”
    He nodded. “Yes, but more importantly; I love Rianne as much as I loved Liana.”
    This was one of the reasons she loved Donte. She could talk to him and he listened. He tried to understand. He cared. She met his steady gaze.
    “When I’m with Neirin, I think about you. It’s not fair to him. I don’t want to do that to him.”
    “Neirin knows you love me?”
    “Yes” She grimaced. “I think everyone does.”
   Donte’s smile was sympathetic. “Rianne knows I still love Liana. You can’t help how you feel about people. You can only control what you do about those feelings. Sometimes I think about Liana, but not while I’m with Rianne – that would be disrespectful to both of them.” He sighed. “Nieke, you’re an honorable person. That’s why it’s so difficult for you to end a relationship or start a new one. Maybe Neirin isn’t the one for you, but there is someone out there for you. You have to give love a chance. Let go of the past and embrace the future. It’s a little frightening at first, but it’s worth the effort.”
    He was right, of course. Donte had realized that hanging on to Liana was an obsession. That was what she was doing to Donte. She couldn’t have Donte any more than Donte could have Liana now. It was time to move on and stop being a nuisance to Donte and Rianne. She would probably always love Donte the way he loved Liana. She had allowed herself to think of Donte when she was with Neirin because she wasn’t willing to let go of Donte. She hadn’t ever thought about it, but Donte was right – thinking about Donte when she was with Neirin was not only disrespectful to Neirin, but Donte as well.
    She understood why Donte felt responsible for Liana’s death. Donte had lain near death twice now and Nieke felt responsible for both times. Fortunately, he was still alive. Letting go of Donte would be painful, but at least he was alive and happy with Rianne. If Donte could set aside his pain, surely, she could do the same. Donte had a big heart. She wasn’t sure she could handle two loves. Still, as he said, if she didn’t let go of the past, she was going to ruin her future.
    She looked up at Donte, savoring the dark eyes that held so much compassion; the full lips that begged to be kissed; and every inch of his masculine features. It was time to say goodbye to them. Unlike Donte’s Liana, Nieke had never actually been held in Donte’s arms or felt the warmth of his kiss. Yes, he was right. She had become obsessed with him. It wasn’t a healthy relationship.
    She sighed. “I never thought of it that way. Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me.” She hesitated, not sure if she should address the subject, but she wanted to get it off her chest.     “Thank you for not telling me it isn’t love that I feel for you – or pheromones.”
    He nodded. “Well…there is always the pheromones, isn’t there? I never know who likes me for me or merely my pheromones.”
    She smiled. “If it was only your pheromones, people wouldn’t like you so much when you aren’t near them. Everyone likes you, Donte.” She shrugged. “Well, obviously the Captain and Chait aren’t impressed by you or your pheromones, but you can’t win them all, can you?”
    Donte laughed. “No, and I’m sure there are many more who don’t like me. I try not to think about them.”
    Donte slid off the desk and stood. He followed her to the door; taking the conversation back to the current issue. “I’m having the Azar stocked with supplies. I’ll let you know when we plan to leave.”


    Neirin accepted Donte’s invitation to go with him to Oriel. It wasn’t something he wanted to do, but his name was on that termination list, the same as Quade’s. They were the reason Fontalo had returned, not Donte. If they were on the ship with Donte, there would be no reason for the Fontalo ship to linger near Purlieu. The captain would likely follow them, leaving Purlieu to resume its normal activities in relative safety.
    Neirin had few concerns about the Fontalo ship catching the Azar. The Azar was faster than the Fontalo ship and Donte was a wily foe. There were actually only two things that concerned Neirin about the trip. The first was the length of time he would be away from Purlieu and the second was leaving Celyn behind. She wanted to go but he had finally convinced her that one of them should stay in Anialwch. Clud could handle things, but if something happened to Neirin, Celyn would be queen. She had a lot to learn before then.
    Celyn couldn’t understand how she was supposed to help Donte if he left. It was a reasonable question. Maybe at this point he didn’t need her. Neirin hoped that was the case. Celyn was willing enough to go wherever Donte needed her, as was Kenyon, but Celyn didn’t like the cold, the dust, the discomfort and all the unpleasantries that Donte appeared to ignore. Of course, the Azar would have all the luxuries that Celyn enjoyed in the palace, and Oriel would probably add more. Still, it wasn’t going to be a luxury cruise through the universe.
    Quade had left his medical practice and his presidency for an extended leave. Quade’s vice-President, Dylan, was capable of handling anything that came up.
    Donte was leaving an unhappy Beier in charge of Bergen. Even if Beier didn’t want Donte to go, he wouldn’t want to be left behind. It was hard to figure Beier. For some reason, he had appointed himself as Donte’s guardian. Kenyon said that Beier was often insubordinate to Donte, but how could that be when Beier was a civilian? Donte had offered Beier the position of his second, but he said he didn’t want the responsibility – yet he readily accepted the responsibility when Donte was absent. Donte had a loyal friend in Beier. Sometimes Neirin wondered if Donte realized that.


    Celyn was disappointed in Donte. How were they supposed to lead the colonies to freedom when they were separated by distance and time? No doubt Donte was trying to draw the Fontalo ship away from Purlieu. The Azar was fast enough to outrun the Fontalo ship, but the captain might fire on it before it could get out of range. Kenyon said Donte was taking Rianne with him. It was difficult to say which of them, if not both of them, instigated that plan. Their last months away from each other must have been miserable for them, but how could they both leave their children behind? It took only a moment for the thought to fully sink in before she knew the answer. The children were going with them. Donte wouldn’t want anyone to know, so she didn’t even mention it to Kenyon.
    She asked Kenyon what was going to happen to Chait, but he didn’t know. Much as she disliked the idea, it was beginning to look like the only answer was to terminate him. Donte probably wouldn’t do that because of Donica – or because Chait said what he did was to protect his mate and child. They should ship him back to Lochfowk and let them deal with him. Lochfowk had already removed him from office. Maybe they didn't want him back.
    Celyn had never liked Chait and she had no idea why Donica had been attracted to him. As far as she knew, Donte, Quade and Kenyon all disliked him. Even Akira distrusted him. He had been at least partially responsible for the fact that Kenyon and the others had been held captive for so long. If Celyn had any reason to feel compassion for Chait, it would have to be the fact that he had prevented Kenyon from finding a lifetime mate before she met him.


    Akira had mixed feelings about the trip to Oriel. On one hand, she had always wanted to travel extensively, and that was about as extensive as it could get. On the other hand, she was concerned about Quade’s safety. Cheska said that Oriel had laws that protected animals now, but she also said Fontalo was powerful. Whether or not Oriel would actually protect them once they got there was one thing. Getting safely to Oriel was another.
Donte said that they could fight Fontalo from now on, but they would never be free from them until the courts on Oriel agreed. That might be so, but Fontalo had not complied with the new law concerning animals. In fact, their reaction had been to send a ship to destroy the Mascots – or more accurately, the evidence.
    Donte felt that he couldn’t talk to these people long distance effectively. She had no doubt that was true. Aside from Donte’s pheromones, which did have something to do with his personal appeal, he looked kind and honest. There was no deception in that look; he was kind, honest and loyal – to a fault. To honest people, it was a definite advantage, but to greedy dishonest people, that made Donte a target. Donte knew that, though, and he had instincts that generally protected him. Donte called them superpowers. Certainly, being able to sense when someone was lying was a superpower, but Donte never gave himself enough credit for intelligence. Having Donte, Neirin and Quade at the negotiating table would be enough to convince any court that Mascots were exceptional humans, not animals. If that team couldn’t convince Oriel, there was no hope – not for Purlieu or Oriel.
    Beier didn’t want to be left behind, and Akira couldn’t blame him. Her guess was that Donte didn’t want to leave him behind. Beier was an experienced and efficient leader. Donte trusted him and the people of Bergen respected him. And yet, Beier had turned down Donte’s offer to be his second. Beier didn’t want that position for an extended period. To Akira’s way of thinking, Donte should re-think that decision. If Donte and Rianne didn’t return, who would become Bergen’s ruler? Someone needed the training. Akira had discussed the situation with Quade, but he said Beier was loyal and he would make sure someone qualified led the colony. There was a limit to loyalty, and when someone began taking advantage of it, people often changed. Quade said he would talk to Donte about it. That was the best any of them could do. Beier had earned the opportunity to go to Oriel. Hopefully Donte would acknowledge that.


    Once again Donica felt indirectly responsible for an attempt on Donte’s life. Chait was her mate, and he shot Donte to protect his family – or at least that was his claim. Still, if she hadn’t gone with Donte, Chait wouldn’t have been so motivated to kill him. She had been wondering if she had done the right thing in leaving him – that he might have been threatening her so she wouldn’t leave, but really wouldn’t harm her. Deep inside she knew better, but his attempt to kill Donte had convinced her that there was no hope of things getting better for them. He hadn’t given Donte a chance. He simply walked in and shot him. Fortunately, his aim wasn’t that good.
    Donica imagined how terrified Rianne must have been to see Donte shot in front of her. Where was Beier when all this was happening? He was supposed to be protecting Donte. Of course, he couldn’t be with Donte every minute of the day, but someone should have stopped Chait before he got into the Groot Thuis. It wasn’t actually Beier’s job to protect Donte. Saskia thought he did it out of loyalty to Pieter. It was hard to believe anyone was that loyal.
    Before she left the shelter, Rianne had told Donica and Saskia that she wanted to be with Donte no matter what happened to her. Saskia and Donica had offered to take care of Petra and Andras so she could return. Dalziel told her that a snowstorm was approaching and it would hide their tracks, but she would not be able to return until another snowstorm. It wasn’t easy for Rianne to choose between Donte and their children. Of course, she wanted to be with both. She had simply reached the point that she had become desperate to see him.
    Dalziel had been instructed to remain silent on the wires, so he had no way of notifying Donte of his decision and no way of knowing if Donte would approve of Rianne returning to Bergen. It wasn’t easy to say no to Rianne. Snowstorms were frequent in the mountains, though, so they all thought she wouldn’t be gone long. Donica couldn’t blame her for wanting so badly to be with Donte. Sometimes she longed to be with Chait, in spite of what had happened. Donte and Rianne’s relationship was so much stronger than hers with Chait – or anyone’s that she had ever witnessed.
    When Donica received the news that Donte planned to take his family to Oriel, she had been shocked. How did that fit into The Prophesy – or did Donte no longer believe in The Prophesy? But then, The Prophesy didn’t say how he was going to lead the colonists to freedom, it merely said he would. Actually, it said he and Celyn would. Was Celyn going with them? Donica had no idea who was going with Donte except his family. Dalziel had told her that much.
    Donica had never liked traveling, so she felt fortunate to be left behind. Still, she felt isolated in the underground shelter. She wanted to go back to the Groot Thuis with Saskia. The idea that she might have to spend months more in the shelter was depressing.


    When Queen Halisi told Kafil that Donte was going to take the Azar to Oriel and asked if she wanted to send a Nyumbani representative, Kafil couldn’t believe his ears. Donte had left his family for three years when he was in the service, but he had seen them during that time when he was on leave. A trip to Oriel would require months. It was on that point that he and Halisi based their decision to send someone. If Donte thought it was that important to go to Oriel, then Nyumbani should send a representative. The next question was if the representative should be a Mascot or a colonist.
    Kwasi came to mind, but he had taken a mate and had a young son. Nyumbani now had three fertile Mascots. Nyumbani owed Donte more than they could hope to repay.
    Donte was looking for trained people, so when Tabia came to them asking to be included in the group, Halisi and Kafil agreed. As a doctor, she would be valuable, but she had served three years on the Baigh as well. She was qualified in so many ways that they couldn’t refuse. Donte enthusiastically accepted her.


    Donte leaned against the book case; his arms folded over his chest as he gazed out his office window. After his discussion with Quade, he realized that he was being unfair to Beier. He had discussed the situation with the cabinet and they all arrived at a solution. As the cabinet had pointed out, Donte would still be able to rule from the Azar. All he needed was someone he could depend on to follow orders. Once Donte had considered Gerritt as a second and he was currently Bergen’s highest-ranking officer. Beier had more experience, but he didn’t want the position. Rianne had accepted the position temporarily. It was time to choose someone permanent. Gerritt might not want to succeed him either, but he needed to settle this before they left. He might not come back from this mission.
    Someone tapped on the door. Donte lowered his arms and turned to his desk. “Come in.”
    Beier delivered Gerritt to Donte’s office and turned to leave; his jaw set in silent disapproval.
    “Beier, I want to talk to you too,” Donte said.
    Beier turned back to the room, avoiding Donte’s eyes as he sat in one of the chairs.
    Donte shook Gerritt’s hand and indicated a chair. Gerritt glanced at Beier, his expression confused as he sat in the chair beside him. His troubled gaze lifted to Donte.
    Donte didn’t know what to make of Beier’s behavior. It wasn’t like him to pout. Donte usually included him in his meetings with the cabinet, but he couldn’t this time. Donte sat in the chair behind his desk and looked at Beier.
    “Beier, I have asked you before if you wanted to be my second and you said no. Have you changed your mind?”
    Beier jerked his head up and stared at Donte a moment, clearly confused by the direction of the conversation. He shook his head. “No. As I said before, I don’t want the responsibility.”
    Donte shifted his gaze to Gerritt. “What about you?”
    Gerritt glanced at Beier and back at Donte. “Are you serious?”
    Donte smiled. “Yes, Gerritt. I’ve talked to the cabinet and they have given their approval, if you accept.”
    Gerritt glanced at Beier again. “Are you sure you don’t want it?”
    Beier nodded, his attention shifting expectantly from Gerritt to Donte.
    Gerritt looked at Donte, barely able to contain his delight. “Yes, I accept.”
    Donte suppressed a smile at Gerritt’s exuberance. “You’ll need to appoint someone to take your place. Can you do that in the next few days?”
    Gerritt nodded eagerly.
    Donte could no longer suppress the smile. “All right; go ahead and take care of that and report back here in two days for training.”
    Gerritt stood. “Yes, Monomi.” He turned and left the room.
When Donte turned back to Beier, he found him frowning. “What was that all about?”
    Donte leaned his arms on his desk. “Do you still want to go to Oriel?”
    Beier blinked in surprise. “Yes!”
    Donte nodded. “The Azar will be leaving Purlieu in two weeks. I’d like to round up all the Fontalo men and get them back on their ship. I want that ship to follow us.”
    Beier frowned. “Do you know where his men are?”
    Donte shrugged. “No, but Chait does.”
    Beier grinned. “I’ll see if I can coax him to tell me.”
    Donte leaned back in his chair. “I can’t decide if we should terminate him here or send him back to Lochfowk and let them deal with him.”
    Beier sobered. “I’m in favor of the first choice. It’s a better chance than he gave you.” He shrugged. “The choice should make a good negotiating tool to get that information, though.”
    Donte stood. “I need to talk to the cabinet and let them know what we have decided. Let me know if you get that information.”
    Beier stood. “Yes, Monomi.” He left the room with a spring in his step that hadn’t existed since Donte said he was leaving him on Purlieu. Some things weren’t nearly as complicated as he perceived them to be.

Continue to Chapter 21

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