website counter The Purlieu Experiment - Chapter 23
The Purlieu Experiment
Chapter 23
Copyright 2015 & 2021
    Akira's mind was drowning in a flood of information. She had previously thought of Lochfowk as one of the most advanced colonies. Apparently, it had only seemed that way because of her limited knowledge. The bond between Libertad and Bergen was awe inspiring. Their communication was instant and their transportation system highly efficient. They were in close contact with the fleet of spaceships that had, until today, seemed like a myth to her. She was exhausted, and still not willing to retire for the evening. If she closed her eyes for one moment, she would surely miss something monumental.
    Not the least awe inspiring was Quade. In spite of his outrage about the Captives, he had been an attentive host. It was obvious where Donte got his gentle temperament. The relationship between Quade and his sons was equally inspirational. They obviously adored him and he was equally enamored with them. The council would have been as impressed with Quade as they were with Donte - probably more. Quade had a way about him that demanded respect. Even Chait made an effort to please him. She had never heard Chait talk as respectfully to her as he had since the flight back. Even stranger was the way his actions toward her made her feel about him. How could she have expected respect from him when she didn’t give it, and how could he expect respect from her if he didn’t give it? And yet, the war of sexes had been going on in their colony for generations. Each was waiting for the other to show respect before they gave it. Someone had to make the first move. In their case, Quade and Donte had forced it on both of them. When she returned, she was going to give men more respect. They didn’t necessarily deserve it simply because they were men, but they certainly didn’t deserve disrespect merely because they were men, either.
    The visit to the spaceship had made one thing clear to her. Their system in Lochfowk was upside down. The colonists were serving the Mascots instead of the other way around. It was wrong to treat the Mascots as if they were not people. Donte had the right idea. Now that The Parliament was gone, they all needed to live together equally. Leadership should not be handed exclusively to Mascots and Mascots shouldn’t have to sacrifice for the colonists.
    She focused her attention on the food in front of her. Most of it she had never seen before. It was both delicious and visually pleasing. The food was served on flat round pieces of white pottery. It was smooth and had a delicate design around the edges.
    "Is something wrong with the food?"
    She glanced up at Quade, who was sitting directly across the table from her. She shook her head. "Oh no. It is delicious. I was just admiring the tableware."
    He nodded. "The people of Bergen make these and trade them for items they cannot make or grow."
    Donica looked at Chait. "Does Lochfowk trade with other colonies?"
    Chait glanced at Quade as he spoke. "Only southwestern Vlaktes. They trade cotton for woven fabrics and fish. We are self-reliant."
    "Fish from the sea?" Donica asked.
    "No. We have lots of lakes. We produce almost everything in our territory. Vlaktes trades mostly with Anialwch."
    "And Bergen," Donica added.
    Chait shrugged. "I wouldn't know."
    Donica wasn't put off by his curt response. She gave him a sweet smile. "I know practically nothing about your colony."
    Pieter and his mate quietly listened to the conversation and Kenyon watched Donte with obvious amusement as he put away his food. When Donte pushed his empty tableware aside and picked up his cup, his gaze found Kenyon's as he sipped the hot liquid.
    Kenyon grinned. "I haven't seen you eat that hearty until tonight."
    Donte smiled and set his cup on the table. His gaze went to his grandmother. "It was the best meal I've had in years. Thank you." He looked at Donica, his expression becoming playful. "What ever happened to that young man who was chasing after you? Abel, wasn’t it? I thought you would have exchanged vows with him by now."
    Donica's gaze slowly lifted to him, her expression revealing the fact that he had plunged headlong into an unwelcome subject. "I did," she said. "He died a year ago."
    Donte looked like he wanted to fade away from the table. "I'm sorry," he said.     "That was incredibly insensitive of me."
    Donica shook her head. "No. You had no way of knowing."
    Akira felt compassion for Donica. "I'm so sorry to hear that. Was he ill very long?"
    Donica shook her head, her gaze lifting to Donte.
    "Akira is a nurse," he explained.
    She nodded again and addressed Akira. "I tried to get him to go see Dad, but..."     She turned to Quade; her expression pained.
    "Donte," Quade said, rescuing Donica from the uncomfortable subject. "You introduced Akira to us as President Sima's sister and said nothing about the fact that she was a nurse."
    Donte's neck turned red and he obviously didn't know how to respond.
    Akira smiled at him. "With all that has been happening, I'm surprised he remembered such a small thing."
    Pieter pushed back from the table. "Our guests should be arriving downstairs soon. Donica, if you will help me get down there, we can greet them while Saskia cleans up our mess."
    Donte stood and began gathering the dishes from the table while Saskia went to the kitchen. Kenyon, Chait, Quade and Akira helped, making short work of the cleanup. They all went downstairs to meet the guests.

    Akira was no stranger to the term Monomi, but she had heard it more times tonight addressed to Donte than she had heard it in her life. She would have thought the people of Bergen simply used it in a different way or more casually, but it wasn't being used with as much frequency with Quade or even Pieter. They lingered longer greeting Donte and some even slightly bowed - more a tilting of the head, as one might do in acknowledgement of a person in a high position. She didn't have a clue what they were saying, but their general attitude toward him was impressive.
    She glanced up to find Quade watching her.
    He smiled. "I'm afraid I have been neglecting you. I will translate as much as I can for you."
    For the rest of the evening, someone translated everything for her. Donica pretty much took Chait as her responsibility. He obviously appreciated her attention. They made a cute couple. Kenyon quickly had a smiling girl on each arm.
    Quade watched Kenyon for a while before turning to Akira with a smile. "He hasn't changed."
    Donica introduced a tall slim woman to Donte and translated to Chait. The woman had light golden-brown hair swept up to the top of her head, exposing a long slender neck. Her eyes were dark blue, like Saskia, Donte and Donica's. Like Saskia, her skin tone was lighter than theirs, but not as light as the blonde people of Bergen. She was possibly the most beautiful woman Akira had ever seen.
    "This is my friend, Rianne, Bosvrouwen's representative." Donica said to Donte. "I don't know if you remember her."
    Donte grasped Rianne's forearm and smiled. "I remember you taught me how to ice skate, Nomi. I was fourteen and you were sixteen. I had quite a fancy for you then."
    Rianne gripped his arm and looked surprised. "I never guessed. You certainly hid it well."
    He put his other hand over hers. "You will romp with me later?"
    She agreed and Akira looked up at Quade. "Romp?"
    "Step to music." He explained. "Do you romp in Lochfowk?"
    "I never have."
    "Bergen has a long cold winter." Quade explained. "They take every opportunity to celebrate. If you wouldn't mind, I could show you how."
    "That sounds nice," She said. "But I don't want to be a burden."
    He smiled. "It would be an honor."
    He had the most attractive smile she had ever seen on a man, and his eyes were so warm. She tore her gaze from his handsome face and glanced around the room.
While the guests arrived, a small group gathered on an elevated platform. They were tuning what appeared to be different types of musical instruments. Some she recognized, but others she had never seen.
    Donica grabbed Donte by the hand and started tugging him toward the platform, apparently begging him to sing with her.
    Quade translated with obvious surprise. They watched as Donte reluctantly followed her. Guests started clapping their hands together in approval.
Quade leaned down and spoke in Akira's ear. "I've never heard either of them sing. They must be good."
    Donica placed one of the instruments in Donte's hands and he sat beside her on the edge of the platform. After a little strumming and adjusting, they both began to sing. His deep voice was rhythmic and their voices together in harmony were beautiful. The room became silent as everyone listened with obvious pleasure.
    Quade and Kenyon looked at each other in surprise. Quade spoke first. "I had no idea they could sing that well."
    Donte surrendered the instrument to the group and they began to play a tune. People formed rows, and Quade took Akira by the arm. With his instruction, and watching the others, they began to romp. She stood with her back to him and he put one hand on her waist and held her hand with the other. They took several steps in one direction, then back, then forward...all in step with the music.
    Donte romped with Rianne and Kenyon had limited himself to one woman for the romp. Donica was teaching Chait to romp. Everyone looked like they were having fun.
    "Excuse me a moment." Quade said as he left Akira. He made his way across the crowded room to greet a late arrival. They exchanged the Mascot handshake and talked to each other. Pieter joined them and turned, motioning to Donte. Within a few minutes, the man was joined by Donte, Kenyon and Rianne. They all acted as if they knew each other well, laughing and talking. The newcomer wore a light gray uniform that matched his eyes and his blonde hair was cropped short. Akira had never met him, but she was certain she knew who he was.
    Donica suddenly appeared at her side with Chait. "Come let me introduce you to Damian. He’s the ruler of Vlaktes."
    Damian shook arms with each of them, his gaze lingering on Akira. After the formal greetings were complete, his attention came back to Akira. He asked her a question and Donte translated.
    "I heard you were in Bree when the Nyumbani raiders attacked. You were taken captive. Is that correct?"
    Akira glanced up at Donte. Had he told him? She nodded. "Unfortunately, that is true."
    Donte translated to Damian, who spoke again. Donte turned to her. "He wants to know if you will romp with him."
    Akira hesitantly accepted. As it turned out, Damian was a graceful romping partner. They romped without words until the tune ended. He turned to her and spoke in broken Lochfowk. "Beautiful…with the hair."
    She thanked him, unsure whether he was saying that she was beautiful or her hair was – or both.
    Quade joined them, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes as Damian walked away. "I think he is taken with you."
    Akira didn’t know how to respond, so she said nothing.

    Later the group of musicians began playing a lively tune. People moved back so that only two couples were romping. One of the couples was Donte and Rianne. The spectators began tapping their shoes on the floor and clapping their hands in rhythm. The rompers twirled and took a series of fast steps side-by-side before twirling again. The beat of the music grew faster and more intense. The couples stepped so fast that it was impossible to focus on their individual steps.
    At first, Donte's expression was intent as he tried to keep up, but gradually he relaxed and began smiling. When the music changed, the other couple dropped out, leaving only Donte and Rianne romping. Donte grasped Rianne's waist with one hand, swinging her around. Her back arched and they were placing their feet between each other's so close and fast with each fast step that it was a wonder they didn't trip. It was fascinating to watch them.
    Once again, Donica suddenly appeared beside Akira, explaining the romp that even Quade seemed to find unfamiliar.
    "This is something they usually do on ice skates, but right now the ice is too thin."
    Quade glanced at Donica and shook his head in amazement. "It's difficult enough to comprehend how they do that on a solid floor."
    Donica giggled. "You notice there are only two couples. It is extremely difficult. Rianne created that romp. She is our best ice skater and romper. She taught Donte. She said he learned it in half the time anyone else has. She said he is unusually well coordinated."
    Akira had to agree that Donte’s coordination was unusual. During the climb down the mountain, he had never lost his balance, not even when she slipped and he grabbed her. His leap off the camelus and even the way he recovered his balance when he fell off the cliff - until he was knocked unconscious. Then he fell like a rock. He could probably explain the gene that made it all possible. But then, it probably wasn't one gene. Donte was a mix of Libertad and Bergen…and the mutation involved with the people of Bosvrouwen, come to think of it. Donte said that the Mascots of Bergen had genetics from aves. What of Libertad…and Lochfowk? She’d have to ask him.
    After the lively romp, they all rested while an announcement was made. Quade leaned down, speaking quietly in her ear so that no one was disturbed by the sound. When the announcement was complete, Akira glanced up at Quade, unsure that she understood.
    "He will be the next king of Bergen?" She asked.
    "The position is simply called ruler. It isn't actually a monarchy, but close to it. Pieter has absolute power – as long as the cabinet doesn't object. They can remove him from office and replace him. The existing ruler can name anyone his successor - with the approval of the cabinet."
    "Who selects the cabinet?"
    "The colonists of Bergen elect the cabinet members." Quade said. "They can be removed anytime the colonists wish to do so. It says a lot that Pieter has been the ruler so long, while cabinet members have changed. Of course, all the cabinet members are colonists, with only a quarter of the life expectancy, but still, that’s impressive, I think."

    After their break, the group began playing music again. She was surprised when Donte left Rianne long enough to ask her to romp. Quade left them and the next time she saw him, he was talking to Pieter. Kenyon was romping with yet another fair-haired girl and Donica was still hanging on to Chait. He didn't look like he wanted to get away.
    Akira glanced up at Donte as he guided her in step with the music. "That romp you did with Rianne was amazing. What gene is it that helps you do that?"
He looked confused. "Gene?"
    "You said the aves gene helped you tolerate the cold. What gives you such incredible balance?"
    He shrugged. "I have no idea. Some people simply have better coordination than others."
    That was true, but Donte possessed superior skills. "What gene did the scientists use on the Mascots assigned to Libertad?"
    "Oh." He shrugged. "Feline, for night vision, I think."
    She caught her breath. "Quade can see at night?"
    He laughed. "Kind of, and so can I. We don’t actually see in the dark, but our night vision is enhanced."
    "Maybe that’s what makes you have such good balance, too."
    He nodded. "Maybe…or stealth…or always landing on our feet. Who knows? How do you explain Rianne’s incredible balance?"
    He had a point. However, with Rianne, the mutation was involved. Come to think of it, that factor also included Donte – and Donica. The scientists may have had one thing in mind and achieved another. She glanced up at him again. "No wonder they didn’t want us to mix. No telling what they would wind up with."
    The words that came out of her mouth sounded worse than the thought in her head. Donte probably didn't want to be reminded that he had a mixture of animal genes in his beautiful body.
    The romp ended and she turned to face him. "Perhaps they were afraid of the power that might create."
    He gazed down at her for a moment, as if giving that possibility consideration. He shrugged. "I suppose that is a possibility."
    Quade joined them and reclaimed her for the last romp. She moved with him, thinking all the while of the grace of a cat. His lean body was powerful and lithe. When his warm hand on her waist became a paw, she pushed the image from her mind. The next thing she knew she'd be imagining whiskers out of the side of his nose.

    The celebration ended with people slowly drifting out. Quade left Akira, pausing beside Donica and speaking to her briefly before joining Donte, Rianne, Kenyon, Damian and Pieter. They all left the room together.
    Donica placed her hand on the inside of Chait's elbow and he led her to Akira, his gaze so focused on her face that they nearly ran into a chair. Akira suppressed a smile as they joined her. Donica spoke to both of them.
    "Daddy asked me to show you to your rooms. If you'll follow me now, we can get you settled in for the night."
    She took them down a hallway that she explained led to another building. They passed a large room with tables and chairs - probably for dining - and descended a short flight of stairs to another hallway lined with doors. She opened a door into a small room with one bed and turned to Chait.
    "This is your room. They have brought your things here."
    Chait said goodnight to them and entered the room. Donica continued down the hall with Akira and opened the next door.
    "This is your room. Donte has the room directly across from yours, so if you need anything, let him know. He should be along in a while." With that, she left them for the evening.
    It felt strange, being alone in a colony where so many people spoke other languages, and knowing only one that few people knew. And yet, the idea of going home in the morning didn't provide the relief she expected. In spite of the voiced dislike for what their colony had done, she felt more accepted with these people than she did her own.

    Much later, she heard Donte and Rianne talking in the hallway. They moved down the hallway and a door shut. Was Donte spending the night with Rianne? Akira didn't expect she would need anything, but if she did, contacting Donte could get a bit awkward.
    Exhaustion finally caught up with her and she slept.

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